McCain Worried about Electronic Voting in SC...


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The Political Wire: McCain Alarmed By Reports of Electronic Voting Problems in S.C.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

John McCain’s campaign is voicing concern about reports that one region in South Carolina is having problems with its electronic voting system.

The location: Horry County, which includes Myrtle Beach.

”We have received reports from Horry County that voters are being turned away from the polls, because electronic voting machines are not working and paper ballots are not available,” the McCain camp said in its statement. “Some voters say they are being instructed to return at a later time. We are disturbed by these reports and hope that this issue is resolved immediately. We encourage any voters who were turned away from the polls to return again to their polling place this afternoon to exercise their constitutional right to vote.”

More at link...
I'm pissed about this. I brought a crew of people to work Horry County and we don't have numbers to show them their precincts yet because of the malfunctions.

And if we ever do get numbers, you can't discount that voters were clearly sent away from the polls on a day when it was snowing (which is not common for the Carolinas and is very disruptive), reducing the chance they would return to vote.
If they can't do it over (and they probably can't) then all the numbers should be scrapped and not publicized IMO. I say that because I am under the preception that as good or bad numbers come out for a candidate, it sways public opinion of many people that vote, but are not in touch at all.

I would be pissed also, but I would rather have the numbers scrapped for this time, and make sure there is a voting plan B in the future WHEN stuff breaks.