

I'm starting to wonder if the 04 swiftboat campaign was like the 98 impeachment - they got there first so that when the real shit went down, liberals couldn't "go there". It would look too much like retribution. But as for me, I've got questions. I really, honestly, have questions. I feel, after much thought, that the accepted narrative about McCain's POW years would be, if true, very anomalous for his personality. This guy is a scumbag, and has always been a scumbag. A self-serving scumbag. So, I will come right out and say, I don't believe half of the shit he peddled about his POW years. I believe that he crashed, he was beaten by the crowd, rendered unconscious, and that days later when he came to, he told them who he was and was then immediately taken to a hospital. That's all on record. What happened after's highly doubtful that McCain's story is completely true. Not that I believe, entirely, the stories against him. Not entirely.

Here is something far more recent, it's a long, very interesting story, only a small part of which I have posted here. More at link:

"At a meeting in his Pentagon office in early 1981, Secretary of the Navy John F. Lehman told Capt. John S. McCain III that he was about to attain his life ambition: becoming an admiral.... Mr. McCain declined the prospect of his first admiral's star to make a run for Congress, saying that he could 'do more good there,' Mr. Lehman recalled." So claimed the New York Times in a front-page article on May 29 this year.

This story is highly improbable for several reasons, not least of all because John McCain himself has always told a very different story about his stalled naval career. For example, on page 9 of his memoir Worth The Fighting For, McCain writes:

"Several months before my father died, I informed him that I was leaving the navy. I am sure he had gotten word of my decision from friends in the Pentagon. I had been summoned to see the CNO, Admiral Heyward, who told me I was making a mistake.... His attempt to dissuade me encouraged me to believe that I might have made admiral had I remained in the navy, a prospect that remained an open question in my mind.... Some of my navy friends believed I could earn my star; others doubted it.... When I told my father of my intention, he did not remonstrate me.... But I knew him well enough to know that he was disappointed. For when I left him that day, alone in his study, I took with me his hope that I might someday become the first son and grandson of four-star admirals to achieve the same distinction. That aspiration was well beyond my reach by the time I made my decision...."
McCain's father died on March 22, 1981. McCain retired from the Navy within a week. He wrote about his retirement soon thereafter. McCain never mentioned the alleged offer of an admiralship by Lehman in any of his books, nor in the numerous interviews McCain gave during his first run for the presidency in 1999-2000.

I love it when left wing nuts post links to other left wing liberal blogs and think its a major news source that we should all run to read. Give me a break, your just upset cause your Obama is a racist hating Muslim, that likes to cheat on his wife with 300lb white women.

I love it when left wing nuts post links to other left wing liberal blogs and think its a major news source that we should all run to read. Give me a break, your just upset cause your Obama is a racist hating Muslim, that likes to cheat on his wife with 300lb white women.

The above post has been brought to you by the KKK. Now, back to our regular programming.
Wow, this is interesting.

I'm starting to think McCain wasn't shot down at all.

I think he might have crashed his plane through gross negligence, and when captured by the North Vietnamese, he traded information and bad mouthed the United States in exchange for privileged treatment.
Easy kids...

Democrats don't do character assassinations well. FOX News would milk this shit for everything it was worth and get sympathy for McCain.

This stuff is even less credible than the BS Kerry was hit with.
Wow, this is interesting.

I'm starting to think McCain wasn't shot down at all.

I think he might have crashed his plane through gross negligence, and when captured by the North Vietnamese, he traded information and bad mouthed the United States in exchange for privileged treatment.

Many have been talking about McCain's inconsistencies for a long time, but when I first started posting it here, some thought it blasphemous to challenge the great war hero.

The armor is peeling away.
Many have been talking about McCain's inconsistencies for a long time, but when I first started posting it here, some thought it blasphemous to challenge the great war hero.

The armor is peeling away.

Hey Black, my brother. We need to talk off record. Even though we are far apart politically we have some business we can do together my man. Peace to you my friend.