McCain's Palin problem?


Well-known member
What does he do about this.

McCain is 72 years and has had cancer 4 times. At least once it was the deadly Melamona. He will not release his medical records and he chose a running mate that people are finally realizing is incompetant.

The woman cant answer simple questions from a helpfull interviewer.

What are his options?

Well they are to run from one gimick to another.

Cancell the debate, cancell the campaign, dont look at the Katie Couric debate... Look at how I am taking the unprecidented step of cancelling my campaign and trying to postpone the debate!
Your a fucking commie. I hate you with all my heart. I really want you to know that! If there is ever a violent revolution in this country--I want a piece of you! That, is how much a real American hates a phoney BS commie like you! Get the fuck out!!
Your a fucking commie. I hate you with all my heart. I really want you to know that! If there is ever a violent revolution in this country--I want a piece of you! That, is how much a real American hates a phoney BS commie like you! Get the fuck out!!

Get some help dude.