McCain's Tax Returns


Anyone seen 'em? Yeah, me neither. When are we going to hear Chapdog and company chattering about how he's hiding something otherwise he'd disclose them?

I want to see how much that trollop cunt gives him for his allowance.
Anyone seen 'em? Yeah, me neither. When are we going to hear Chapdog and company chattering about how he's hiding something otherwise he'd disclose them?

I want to see how much that trollop cunt gives him for his allowance.

Yeah good point, but also now that you mention his wife, another thing we haven’t heard is what a “gigilo” he is, and all kinds of remarks about him having married a very rich woman. But you heard that a lot in 04 because of Theresa Heinz Kerry. And she financed the run for McCain's first Congressional seat. She bought him a congressional seat.

What if Heinz-Kerry had stolen drugs? Might the media have investigated how her husband quashed the investigation? You have to be in a coma to think not.

Maybe all of this would be easier to take, if it were openly acknowledged that was have a conservative media, but to add on top of this BS the constant crying of a “biased liberal media” is just a bit too much for me.
Anyone seen 'em? Yeah, me neither. When are we going to hear Chapdog and company chattering about how he's hiding something otherwise he'd disclose them?

I want to see how much that trollop cunt gives him for his allowance.

I believe he's stated he's releasing them on April 18th. Patience my dear friend.
I hope they open a can of dirty whuppass on Mcfossil.
I heard some statement from the fossil posing as holier than though.
Right, ditched his fourty something wife for a 20 something hottie daughter of a billionare that could get him elected. He's more poster boy for old school politician than anything else. Now he's changing his colors to fit the god ole boy club on several issue's too.
Yeah good point, but also now that you mention his wife, another thing we haven’t heard is what a “gigilo” he is, and all kinds of remarks about him having married a very rich woman. But you heard that a lot in 04 because of Theresa Heinz Kerry. And she financed the run for McCain's first Congressional seat. She bought him a congressional seat.

What if Heinz-Kerry had stolen drugs? Might the media have investigated how her husband quashed the investigation? You have to be in a coma to think not.

Maybe all of this would be easier to take, if it were openly acknowledged that was have a conservative media, but to add on top of this BS the constant crying of a “biased liberal media” is just a bit too much for me.
This is so spot on. I can remember the Repubs talking about the Heinz money and looking down their right bending noses at Kerry. But now that it is beer money from the wife not a peep. Well not from the hipocrits
This is so spot on. I can remember the Repubs talking about the Heinz money and looking down their right bending noses at Kerry. But now that it is beer money from the wife not a peep. Well not from the hipocrits

I'll tell you why it doesn't bother me, 1) it's beer (although that's only a very small reason) and 2) (the real reason) Ms. McCain went to USC! That's right, she's a Trojan! That speaks very well of Mr. McCain.
I'll tell you why it doesn't bother me, 1) it's beer (although that's only a very small reason) and 2) (the real reason) Ms. McCain went to USC! That's right, she's a Trojan! That speaks very well of Mr. McCain.
So she likes loser Basketball teams too huh?:pke:
well to be honest i haven't been paying much attention to mccain. i was more concerned with Hillary releasing her tax return because i want her to NOT get the nomination.
I am voting in this order. Obama-Mccain-abstain/or third party.

I wont vote for hillary.