McCaom cancells big speech.


Well-known member
So, yesterday I read an article about how McCain planned to go to Louisiana, meet with Governor Jindall and then fly out to an oil rig in the gulf to give a big speech that will rival Obama's speech at the Berlin Gate.

It was going to be grand, it was going to offer sweeping backdrops of a clean beautifull ocean behind an enlightened presidental canidate who would offer bold new energy plans. It was going to take the luster off the Obama European Victory Tour...

Yesterday, Jindall anounced he would not take the VP position and an oil tanker crashed close to New Orleans spilling millions of gallons of oil into an enviromentally sensative area.

Today McCain anounced he was cancelling the speech due to weather. (Hurricane in South Texas) The forcast for New Orleans is partly cloudy and a 10% chance of rain!

I LOVE IT! If you were GWB you could almost hear God talking to the voters and making an endorsment.