McSame and the Bush presidency

Virtually every abuse of the last eight years has its roots in the Bush/Cheney view of the President as Monarch, and John McCain clearly endorses its fundamentals. Indeed, when responding to a questionnaire on executive power circulated to all the candidates by The Boston Globe's Charlie Savage earlier this year, McCain (while paying lip service to nice principles and even taking the extreme position that he would never issue a signing statement) refused to say that there was even a single aspect of Bush's use of executive power that he found unconstitutional or otherwise objectionable:

10. Is there any executive power the Bush administration has claimed or exercised that you think is unconstitutional? Anything you think is simply a bad idea?

McCain declined to answer this question.

By contrast, Obama answered the same question at length, and said:
I also reject the view, suggested in memoranda by the Department of Justice, that the President may do whatever he deems necessary to protect national security, and that he may torture people in defiance of congressional enactments . . .

I believe the Administration's use of executive authority to over-classify information is a bad idea. We need to restore the balance between the necessarily secret and the necessity of openness in our democracy – which is why I have called for a National Declassification Center.

Obama then went on specifically to identify numerous issues -- torture, detention of Americans as "enemy combatants" without due process, warrantless surveillance, violations of international treaties, the lawless creation of military commissions -- which he said were unconstitutional or otherwise objectionable expressions of excessive Presidential power. By contrast, McCain refused to identify even a single Bush assertion of power he rejects.

Ultimately, these are the issues which are the most consequential in determining what type of country we will be, and what type of government we will have (and these issues, therefore, receive the least attention from most of our establishment journalists, for whom there is a perfectly inverse relationship between the significance of an issue and the interest they have in it). All of the other issues of significance flow from these differences.
Maverick my ass.

The guy has sold his soul to be president.

I guess that is why the Hillary people would vote for McSame over Obama, she has too.
There has to be some polay on the maverick thing that can be used to show how wrong that label is?

I will need to brain strom on that one.
Hmmmm that could be useful.

That was a great show but I think too few nowadays would recognise it.
Big business apparently hates Obama, someone forwarded me an article from an investment magazine, It was incredible WRL or Jollie class stuff about Obama.
Shhhh. Desh, we are supposed to pretend that McCain, to quote SF is "way different" than bush, and will "win this war for one dollar and fifty cents a day" so that closet bush fans can have an excuse to vote for him. Dont' say anything.

This is hilarious. Of course the cons will HAVE to vote for "stop" socialism!
Big business apparently hates Obama, someone forwarded me an article from an investment magazine, It was incredible WRL or Jollie class stuff about Obama.

For real? I thought corporate money was following obama around. I really don't think Obama is going to be viewed as that much of a threat to the monied interests.

Except, maybe the iraq war contractors. I'm sure they want a prez that will keep their cash cow coughing up profits on the backs of the dead.
For real? I thought corporate money was following obama around. I really don't think Obama is going to be viewed as that much of a threat to the monied interests.

Except, maybe the iraq war contractors. I'm sure they want a prez that will keep their cash cow coughing up profits on the backs of the dead.

yeah it was forwarded from a co-worker who thinks I am a republican apparently. I don't talk politics with coworkers.
I should have kept it for here, but just file 13'd it.

I think Obama is getting a lot of money from small doners. Of course his big money donors will kick in better now.
yeah it was forwarded from a co-worker who thinks I am a republican apparently. I don't talk politics with coworkers.
I should have kept it for here, but just file 13'd it.

I think Obama is getting a lot of money from small doners. Of course his big money donors will kick in better now.

yeah it was forwarded from a co-worker who thinks I am a republican apparently.

That must be awesome, and hilarious.

I don't think cons ever make that mistake with me. My hairs too long, and I smoke too much dope. :cof1:

That must be hilarious to get the inside poop, and hilarious war mongering email chains from republicans who think you play on their team.
yeah it was forwarded from a co-worker who thinks I am a republican apparently.

That must be awesome, and hilarious.

I don't think cons ever make that mistake with me. My hairs too long, and I smoke too much dope. :cof1:

That must be hilarious to get the inside poop, and hilarious war mongering email chains from republicans who think you play on their team.

yeah pretty funny. Not smoked any dope in quite a while. And the group I work with...well it would go over like a truck load of dead babys on mothers day if they found out.

I still get pretty much the same stuff from some churchies too from when I was the chairman of the trustees there. They must still have hope for my soul.