mcsame/rove going negative

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
yep, our friend karl rove has taken over the mudslinging for mcsame, just as he did for bushco

only problem is, not enough are buying it that were not already opposed to bo

VOTE THIRD party this fall
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yep, our friend karl rove has taken over the mudslinging for mcsame, just as he did for bushco

only problem is, not enough are buying it that were not already opposed to bo

VOTE THIRD party this fall

Yeah, I am not a fan of McCain's adds so far. Yet he goes to San Francisco and heaps all this praise on Nancy Pelosi. I'm trying to picture Bill Clinton in 1996 going to Georgia and heaping praise on Newt Gingrich. Don't think that would happen.

Now there is an obvious difference in that comparison in that Newt and Bill had already done battle where McCain is not yet in Bill's position. Nonetheless while being cordial and nice to each is needed much more in politics it seems and odd time to be heaping praise like on someone you are in a battle with.

Long winded point being the McCain campaign seems a little all over the place right now.
Personally, I have no problem with negative ads. Pointing out the shitty positions of you opponent is fair game. The problem with McCain's ads is that they are full of lies, obvious ones that even the media feel obliged to point out within a day of the ad release. That's no only gutter politics but bad strategy to boot.

I mean, we have the below article from Business Week that contains this nugget:

What the McCain campaign doesn’t want people to know, according to one GOP strategist I spoke with over the weekend, is that they had an ad script ready to go if Obama had visited the wounded troops saying that Obama was...wait for it...using wounded troops as campaign props. So, no matter which way Obama turned, McCain had an Obama bashing ad ready to launch. I guess that’s political hardball. But another word for it is the one word that most politicians are loathe to use about their opponents—a lie.

And this is the guy that pledged to run a respectable campaign.
Personally, I have no problem with negative ads. Pointing out the shitty positions of you opponent is fair game. The problem with McCain's ads is that they are full of lies, obvious ones that even the media feel obliged to point out within a day of the ad release. That's no only gutter politics but bad strategy to boot.

I mean, we have the below article from Business Week that contains this nugget:

And this is the guy that pledged to run a respectable campaign.

Yeah I saw this on Olbermann. That’s the only place I see a lot of things. He is biased. And he does annoy me sometimes, but – there are a lot of stories that I wouldn’t know about unless I watched him. This was a frigging outrage, and all the media did was take notes from the McCain campaign, and by and large, they did not even put this important part of it on the table.

Because what this shows, is that McCain is using the troops as political props.
I saw McCain directly confromted by a lady in his audience about the negative ads and his promise to run a clean campaign. He said the Campaign was a hard business and he approved the ad.

Another McFlipper that only fools would not have expected.
I saw McCain directly confromted by a lady in his audience about the negative ads and his promise to run a clean campaign. He said the Campaign was a hard business and he approved the ad.

Another McFlipper that only fools would not have expected.

I was naive. I really thought that w/ McCain & Obama, we'd get a campaign about the issues; I figured the 527's would do the usual thing w/ negative ads, but thought the campaigns would generally keep it at a higher level.

It's crazy how quickly McCain dove to such a low level. His commercials are just stupid; they're playing to the lowest common denominator, the dumbest among us. Obama responsible for high gas prices? Obama like Britney & Paris? They're utterly retarded, yet still earn praise from guys like Buchanan because they're "effective."

The state of politics & elections in America is unsalvagable in its current form. We'll either have a revolution, or things will continue the downward slide.
Yeah the McCain commercials are "effective" on idiots.

but then that pretty much covers anyone likely to vote for McSame.
Personally, I have no problem with negative ads. Pointing out the shitty positions of you opponent is fair game. The problem with McCain's ads is that they are full of lies, obvious ones that even the media feel obliged to point out within a day of the ad release. That's no only gutter politics but bad strategy to boot.

I mean, we have the below article from Business Week that contains this nugget:

And this is the guy that pledged to run a respectable campaign.

when rove gets his claws into a candidate, the candidate loses all respect and goes totally negative

and it still works

there are people that still believe that SH was behind 9/11 even though bush disclaimed it

the big lie rules and has ruled since over 3000 BCE ago...the egyptians used it back then
Yeah the McCain commercials are "effective" on idiots.

but then that pretty much covers anyone likely to vote for McSame.

and far too many voters, note that the gap between mcsame and bo in the polls is only a few points, but have been consistently bo ahead of mcsame