‘ME!’ Trump Rages At Biden Over Signature Accomplishment — Insists All Credit Be Given To Trump


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Former President Donald Trump raged that a signature accomplishment of President Joe Biden’s had nothing to do with Biden — and falsely claimed all the credit for himself.

At issue is President Biden’s successful passage of legislation that caps the cost of insulin at $35 for all Medicare beneficiaries, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

On Saturday, one of Trump’s Truth Social rants was devoted to bashing Biden and taking full credit for lowering the price of insulin:

Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!
Social media posts claim US President Joe Biden took credit for lowering insulin prices after reversing a similar action from predecessor Donald Trump. This is misleading; Trump approved a voluntary program capping insulin costs at $35 for many seniors and issued an executive order that was never implemented, while Biden signed a law mandating low prices and encouraged pharmaceutical firms to limit costs for all diabetics.

laughing naked Dippy Doo can't read, apparently......obviously a victim of American public education......one of those folks who can't read the directions on over the counter medications......
I wonder why Trump's order was never implemented

The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021

Why did Republicans vote against the insulin cap - Axios


WEBAug 7, 2022 · Senate Republicans blocked the $35 cap on out-of-pocket spending on insulin for patients enrolled in private insurance in the reconciliation package.

Former President Donald Trump raged that a signature accomplishment of President Joe Biden’s had nothing to do with Biden — and falsely claimed all the credit for himself.

At issue is President Biden’s successful passage of legislation that caps the cost of insulin at $35 for all Medicare beneficiaries, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

On Saturday, one of Trump’s Truth Social rants was devoted to bashing Biden and taking full credit for lowering the price of insulin:

I see now why you are a mental midget prone to lying and defending the indefensible based on your sources.

Apparently, really dumb leftists like being lied to and gaslighted.

Press Releases

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors
May 26, 2020

Today, under President Trump’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that over 1,750 standalone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage have applied to offer lower insulin costs through the Part D Senior Savings Model for the 2021 plan year. Across the nation, participating enhanced Part D prescription drug plans will provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s supply, from the beginning of the year through the Part D coverage gap. The model follows on the Trump Administration’s previously announced 13.5 percent decline in the average monthly basic Part D premium since 2017 to the lowest level in seven years.

Social media posts claim President Joe Biden overturned an executive order signed by his predecessor Donald Trump that aimed to lower insulin costs for US diabetics. This is false; Biden froze for 60 days the implementation of all federal rules created but not yet put into effect by the previous administration and, if applied, Trump’s proposed change would only cut drug prices for a limited number of Americans.

Are you following along yet?
Social media posts claim US President Joe Biden took credit for lowering insulin prices after reversing a similar action from predecessor Donald Trump. This is misleading; Trump approved a voluntary program capping insulin costs at $35 for many seniors and issued an executive order that was never implemented, while Biden signed a law mandating low prices and encouraged pharmaceutical firms to limit costs for all diabetics.

You sad, pathetic and repugnant caricature of ignorance and stupidity. You love being lied to and gaslighted don't you? It explains why you are stupid enough to vote for Biden. :palm:
Why are you against lowering insulin costs for diabetics?
So many of the trump supporters desperately need insulin to survive.

I was once debating a trump supporter online who said he could survive the end of civilization. He said he would grow grain, but not to eat. He would make bread out of it, and let the bread go moldy. Then he would make insulin out of the bread. He had confused penicillin with insulin. And did not realize how difficult both were to make and refine.
I do wish we could divide the country to red and blue states and have only magas living in red states. Let them get rid of education, healthcare, no vaccines, welfare, no contraception, forced christianity, no divorce, no water or air regulations for their states. Let them live what they vote for.
I do wish we could divide the country to red and blue states and have only magas living in red states. Let them get rid of education, healthcare, no vaccines, welfare, no contraception, forced christianity, no divorce, no water or air regulations for their states. Let them live what they vote for.
It'd be like England.
Social media posts claim President Joe Biden overturned an executive order signed by his predecessor Donald Trump that aimed to lower insulin costs for USdiabetics. This is false;

the fucking idiot froze it.......have you always been this stupid or did it just start when a crack addict became your hero?.......
I do wish we could divide the country to red and blue states and have only magas living in red states. Let them get rid of education, healthcare, no vaccines, welfare, no contraception, forced christianity, no divorce, no water or air regulations for their states. Let them live what they vote for.
the US can be red, you idiots can leave......that alone would eliminate the Social Security deficit forever.......
I will say that this is something of a canard.

Insulin's cost isn't capped at $35. The cost to the end user is capped at $35. That is, if it costs $50 to produce a dose, then the other $15 is subsidized by taxpayers, but the cost is still $50.