Media's Fascination with Obama


"McCain made a trip to the Middle East in March and didn't have to worry about finding seats for any network anchors, because none of them wanted to go. And while Obama was flying from country to country this week in a plane packed with celebrity reporters, McCain flew to an event in New Hampshire. After his Boeing 737 landed in Manchester, he stepped out onto the tarmac and glanced at the one reporter who'd bothered to show up. Yes, one."
Funniest part is the last paragraph.

As candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain are ironically a lot like the way the media treats them: Obama is the glitzy magazine cover that screams for people to buy the issue, and McCain is the fact-filled article buried inside that makes you glad you did.

Oh Glen Beck, does your hackery know no bounds?
Funniest part is the last paragraph.

As candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain are ironically a lot like the way the media treats them: Obama is the glitzy magazine cover that screams for people to buy the issue, and McCain is the fact-filled article buried inside that makes you glad you did.

Oh Glen Beck, does your hackery know no bounds?

LOL, I love the hateration! He can't stand it. The funniest part of it all is that his own article mentions Obama more than twice the amount of times it mentions McCain. And McCain isn't even in the title.

Hate on your conservative fcks.
Well he does make a pretty decent point about the AP devoting press releases to Obama's workout regimen while ignoring McCain, but overall I just hate Glen Beck so much it overrides any logical point he might make.
Well he does make a pretty decent point about the AP devoting press releases to Obama's workout regimen while ignoring McCain, but overall I just hate Glen Beck so much it overrides any logical point he might make.

Well mcCains workout consists of shuffling around, not too exciting.
I wonder how many shoesoles McCain wears out in a year ?
He tried wearing crocks, but kept falling because they would not slide too well.
Beck just simply doesn't get it, but of course, that's nothing new. Part of the art of politics is garnering media attention. The media will always be attracted to a candidate that is more charismatic or has the skill to attract the medias attention. Reagan had it, Clinton had it, W had it.

When a candidate is claiming the media is unfair in giving another candidate more attention, then your looking at a candidate who is essentially less skillful at the art of politics.