mel's boozer night photos of him w/ da ladies

My man sure is a thirsty fellah. With his kind of dough, you'd think he'd have a limo guy on demand.
He's released so many apologies, but these apologies would be sent rather or not he actually believed it. Not doing so would cost him more than I'll ever be worth. Hell, why would you call a guy an evil Jew whenever you were drunk if you hadn't had any such thought whenever you were sober?
Hopefully he keeps boozin himself silly. This has been a relatively fun story.
klaatu said:
You see a pic with a woman by his side .... and you label him a man whore? Why? had many shots of him with lots and lots of women. But I should just call him a whore and be done with it, not necessarily a "Man". So I will edit:

anti-semetic-drunk-driving-republican whore