

Major meltdown as the boys begin to turn on each other and eat their own. Of course, in the middle of calling Armitage an outright liar, and then detailing why he's a liar, Novak actually makes the claim that this was "devastating news for the left". LOL. This is just more willfull wearing of the blinders as the right, desperately hopes that everyone will forget Karl Rove is an admitted leaker in this case, and that one more person involved only strenghtens the possibilities that this was indeed, a conspiracy.

Meanwhile, they are calling each other liars. And I have no doubt that Armitage told some whoppers. I thought his "opps, was that me?" confession was hysterical and that only the kind of idiot who still believes bush never tried to conflate Iraq with 9/11 and that there really were WMDS but they were either snuck into Syria when we weren't looking or Santa is stashing them in the North Pole, would believe. But I also have no doubt that Novak is a dirty liar as well. This is like, trying to figure out who the f to believe between my ex and my brother, two of the biggest bullshitters god ever put on earth and didn't make into politicians. Both very succesful and probably because of it. But once, when they both had two very different stories about a certain incident between them, and both really wanted me to believe them, my brother said, well, who do you believe? And I said flat out, how the f should I know? You're both so full of shit that I'd have to hook you up to lie detector tests to know what actually happened.

So, much like that incident, which I added in to give you guys a little bit of a personal anecdote because I know you love them, I don't believe either one of these guys. But am I "devastated" by this news?

Try I'm laughing my ass off.
Republicans throwing other republicans under the bus. Accountability is not a word these dudes are familiar with.

Bush should have kept his promise, and fired ALL the leakers.
Your ex is a very lucky man...and I'm sure, now very happy....
your brother, alas, can't pick his relatives...
Karl Rove is an admitted leaker in this case

Yeah, but I think they have diapers for that now. It shouldn't be held against him! You are so mean!

Let's see... 2 years investigating, and no indictments relating to the mythical "outing" at all. In spite of all the whooping and hollering from the left, that we would be fitting Rove with an orange jumpsuits and seeing frog marches from the white house, it was coming any day, it was a done-deal! Now we are left with the residual kooks, murmuring their crazy conspiracy shit. You guys live in a different reality, I really feel bad for you, it's almost too sad to watch.
Republicans throwing other republicans under the bus. Accountability is not a word these dudes are familiar with.

Bush should have kept his promise, and fired ALL the leakers.

Just no winning with you... it's either that they are sheep in lockstep or they are throwing others under the bus.
Your ex is a very lucky man...and I'm sure, now very happy....
your brother, alas, can't pick his relatives...

Here we have a typical republican.

His mother is no doubt a whore, whose footsteps his sister followed in, and he dreams of one day dropping the hetero facade and fucking Bob from the gym.

Go get your mother off the streets instead of spending your time here contributing...whatever the fuck this was supposed to contribute.
Unfortunately, most posts on this thread are not contributing much to our understanding of Richard Lee Armitage or his role in the outing of Valerie Plame. It is still a mystery to me how a person who was a founding member of the PNAC and a signee of the letter to Bill Clinton which first promoted the idea that Iraq should be invaded and Saddam removed could be characterized in nearly every story as some kind of antiwar peacenik. Yet in reading Novak's column that is exactly how he is portrayed:

"An accurate depiction of what Armitage actually said deepens the irony of him being my source. He was a foremost internal skeptic of the administration’s war policy, and I long had opposed military intervention in Iraq."

At the same time this statement indicates that there are still some unanswered questions regarding Armitage's motivation for this leak.

According to Novak, "Armitage did not slip me this information as idle chitchat, as he now suggests. He made clear he considered it especially suited for my column."

In addition Novak notes that: "Armitage did not, as he now indicates, merely pass on something he had heard and that he ‘‘thought’’ might be so. Rather, he identified to me the CIA division where Mrs. Wilson worked, and said flatly that she recommended the mission to Niger by her husband, former Amb. Joseph Wilson."

So how is it that a person who had avoided Novak for over 25 years suddenly gets in touch with him and specifically tells him about Valerie Plame at hte same time that 2 other administraton officials are contacting other members of the press to release Plame's name. Still strains that coincidence thing beyond the breaking point I think.

I don't know what to make of this but it certainly flies in the face of all we have been told "officially" about this outing. And no matter what the confederate flag wrapped talking head tells us, this was an outing of an undercover CIA agent.
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Prakosh, understanding is not often required in todays American politics. In fact it is discouraged.
Here we have a typical republican.

His mother is no doubt a whore, whose footsteps his sister followed in, and he dreams of one day dropping the hetero facade and fucking Bob from the gym.

Go get your mother off the streets instead of spending your time here contributing...whatever the fuck this was supposed to contribute.

Mom and Sis are making the big bucks.....if it wasn't for you own lard ass even you might find some work out on the streets....just keep your price reasonable....a couple bucks at best and 5 if you swallow....:pke:
Unfortunately, most posts on this thread are not contributing much to our understanding of Richard Lee Armitage or his role in the outing of Valerie Plame. It is still a mystery to me how a person who was a founding member of the PNAC and a signee of the letter to Bill Clinton which first promoted the idea that Iraq should be invaded and Saddam removed could be characterized in nearly every story as some kind of antiwar peacenik. Yet in reading Novak's column that is exactly how he is portrayed:

"An accurate depiction of what Armitage actually said deepens the irony of him being my source. He was a foremost internal skeptic of the administration’s war policy, and I long had opposed military intervention in Iraq."

At the same time this statement indicates that there are still some unanswered questions regarding Armitage's motivation for this leak.

According to Novak, "Armitage did not slip me this information as idle chitchat, as he now suggests. He made clear he considered it especially suited for my column."

In addition Novak notes that: "Armitage did not, as he now indicates, merely pass on something he had heard and that he ‘‘thought’’ might be so. Rather, he identified to me the CIA division where Mrs. Wilson worked, and said flatly that she recommended the mission to Niger by her husband, former Amb. Joseph Wilson."

So how is it that a person who had avoided Novak for over 25 years suddenly gets in touch with him and specifically tells him about Valerie Plame at hte same time that 2 other administraton officials are contacting other members of the press to release Plame's name. Still strains that coincidence thing beyond the breaking point I think.

I don't know what to make of this but it certainly flies in the face of all we have been told "officially" about this outing. And no matter what the confederate flag wrapped talking head tells us, this was an outing of an undercover CIA agent.

Yeah, I thought your previous post on this subject was the best one I had seen.
Unfortunately, most posts on this thread are not contributing much to our understanding of Richard Lee Armitage or his role in the outing of Valerie Plame. It is still a mystery to me how a person who was a founding member of the PNAC and a signee of the letter to Bill Clinton which first promoted the idea that Iraq should be invaded and Saddam removed could be characterized in nearly every story as some kind of antiwar peacenik. Yet in reading Novak's column that is exactly how he is portrayed:

"An accurate depiction of what Armitage actually said deepens the irony of him being my source. He was a foremost internal skeptic of the administration’s war policy, and I long had opposed military intervention in Iraq."

At the same time this statement indicates that there are still some unanswered questions regarding Armitage's motivation for this leak.

According to Novak, "Armitage did not slip me this information as idle chitchat, as he now suggests. He made clear he considered it especially suited for my column."

In addition Novak notes that: "Armitage did not, as he now indicates, merely pass on something he had heard and that he ‘‘thought’’ might be so. Rather, he identified to me the CIA division where Mrs. Wilson worked, and said flatly that she recommended the mission to Niger by her husband, former Amb. Joseph Wilson."

So how is it that a person who had avoided Novak for over 25 years suddenly gets in touch with him and specifically tells him about Valerie Plame at hte same time that 2 other administraton officials are contacting other members of the press to release Plame's name. Still strains that coincidence thing beyond the breaking point I think.

I don't know what to make of this but it certainly flies in the face of all we have been told "officially" about this outing. And no matter what the confederate flag wrapped talking head tells us, this was an outing of an undercover CIA agent.

PRECISELY! and worth reposting for the third see if any of those that have defended and spread the garbage that they were ''programed'' to spread about armitage being a peacenik....while being a signatory of the ''Project for the New American Century''....

this is and was all part of ''their'' plan for question in my mind, or anyone that uses theirs, imo! and yes, that was a ''cut''...
