Merry Christmas!

Anyway Jack, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all those you care for.

That's very kind, Fentoine. Same to you. Hope you survived the Capitalist Plot to extract wealth from the least well off from amongst us. Their Madison Avenue Salesmen and their Hired Goons in Congress makes that a daunting task.

At least we can enjoy New Years without these Bloodsuckers feeding off us and bloating their Bottom Line with our meager nickels and dimes. :)
It wasn't really planned but all of my siblings ended up at my house today at the same time. It was the first time we had all been in the same room since our mom's funeral over 4 years ago. One of my sisters got weepy about that. Then out came the cameras and everybody wanted pix of us all together which got annoying.
I suck at Christmas... You have to be around people that want to hug you and some of them inevitably want to watch football and shout.