Message to 2nd Amendment Supporters


Do not allow the left to use the tragedy of last week to guilt you into conceding our rights

Most importantly do not allow them to dictate the language we use discussing guns

1) these are not assault weapons. They are rifles. Refer to them as rifles.
2) don't let the discussion center around hunting. The 2nd Amendment has zero to do with hunting and all about defending private property
3) don't let them push you around on 30 round clips. That is not alot. If two armed men break into your house with 7 to 10 rounds each, do you want to face him down with a musket?

The right better realize real quick that the left is coming and they are going for full out bans. You better start using their tactics against them. Find a woman who was being attacked by a rapist and was able to repel the rapist because she was armed. There are hundreds of stories of women protecting themselves with firearms. Put them front and center. Make the left support rapists and say "hey, maybewe would let you get raped but at least you could get an abortion afterward"

Over the top you might say? No. We are talking about our freedoms