Methinks the Right is a bit Verklepmt today


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Since McCain became the presumptive nominee the right has gotten to watch with great amounts of glee as the two dems went at eachother with vem and vigor. Some, like Rush have engaged in efforts to keep the fight alive, keep the anger elevated and keep the focus on Hillary and Barack. Well tonight that, for all intents and purposes comes to an end. And NOW you must go back to your party and try to convince yourself, with three taps of the heels, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain. But in listening to bits and pieces of comedian Rush Limbaugh's show today I heard things like , the McCain nomination is what it is. We have to back him or we lose. We can't vote for a third party, and work hard for your local politicians. One guy sent Rush an e-mail telling him that McCain would sell out the conservative wing of the party for his type of amnesty bill, and another guy that they are going to have on tomorrow because they ran out of time today accused Rush of playing prevent defense. Ruxh commented that what he meant was that prevent defense prevents you from winning the game. There is NO PASSION on the right specifically or even the Republican party in general this year. There is passion in the Democratic party. There is a real chance to make REAL history this year. There are estimates in the Obama camp that there are 500,000 more voters out there to be registered before the general election. There is no fire in the Republican party. There is only fear that the voters are going to really seek to punish Bush by voting against republicans. Bush now has a approval rating of 28%. Were I McCain I would not let him pick up trash at the end of each night during the convention let alone stand on the stage with me. Now that the Dem process is over, there is going to be little joy in mudville, trying to prop up a McCain candidacy.
And NOW you must go back to your party and try to convince yourself, with three taps of the heels, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain.

No con other than Superfreak and WRL are publically admitting to voting for McCain. But, you can bet your ass on election night they'll be on their knees praying that Obama is denied the white house.

You simply don't understand how powerful the narrative is that, well at least I didn't vote for Gore/Kerry/Obama.
Yeah I figure a few on here that have been saying different will pull the lever for McSame and the war.
Lets be carefull about counting our chickens, but I agree it looks good for Obama.
And NOW you must go back to your party and try to convince yourself, with three taps of the heels, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain, there's no one like McCain.

No con other than Superfreak and WRL are publically admitting to voting for McCain. But, you can bet your ass on election night they'll be on their knees praying that Obama is denied the white house.

You simply don't understand how powerful the narrative is that, well at least I didn't vote for Gore/Kerry/Obama.

The race will be close, and anyone saying otherwise is either a moron or has a political axe to grind.

I think the environment is favorable for the Democrats, but Hillary's extended candidacy could prove to be a game-ruiner.
Well all I can say is...

Yeah I figure a few on here that have been saying different will pull the lever for McSame and the war.

I shot off a e-mail to Johns web site..asking for someone on the staff or he or Cindy to join this board and address all these attacks by you,cypress,darla et al accusing him of belittling his wife Cindy and how he is just another GW...maybe someone on the staff or John or Cindy will find the time to address your accusations!
I fwish it would become a comeplete blowout by Obama. I hope that in two months no one thinks McCain has a chance in hell.

The repeublicans should be punished for Bush's crimes, they walked in locked step with him all the way.
I shot off a e-mail to Johns web site..asking for someone on the staff or he or Cindy to join this board and address all these attacks by you,cypress,darla et al accusing him of belittling his wife Cindy and how he is just another GW...maybe someone on the staff or John or Cindy will find the time to address your accusations!

Originally Posted by Battleborne

I shot off a e-mail to Johns web site..asking for someone on the staff or he or Cindy to join this board and address all these attacks by you,cypress,darla et al accusing him of belittling his wife Cindy and how he is just another GW...maybe someone on the staff or John or Cindy will find the time to address your accusations!

This is sad, and yet hilarious. Seeing the onset of dementia in an old man, is a pitiful thing.
This is sad, and yet hilarious. Seeing the onset of dementia in an old man, is a pitiful thing.

ROTFLMAO Oh man I just saw that now.

Remember when SJ used to claim he was in contact with Rush Limbaugh and Rush was reading our board? hahahha. It's always a rightie.

This is sad, and yet hilarious. Seeing the onset of dementia in an old man, is a pitiful thing.

so let me get this is dementia according to cypress,darla and us cit...if a person notifies another person that they are being falsely accused of something?..Would it not be funny then if the accused person came into this site and addressed darla,cypress and us cit one on one...then what would you say...oh let me everyone we are being unjustly chastized!!...we were just joking around...uh huh...well you are probably lucky since I doubt John or Cindy have the time for idiots!

And before I leave for the afternoon..I may add that out of the four of you...cypress,darla,desh and us cit is the only one with enough guts to stay visible...desh,darla,and cypress pretend they are gone and busy... when in fact they are hiding in the so called stealth mode...kinda like rattlesnakes...ready to strike when they are offended..or perceive that the time is right to 'dog pile'...get a life and get a clue already!
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