Miami Vice

President Barack Obama is in south Florida attempting to bribe the Cuban-American community with a promise of easier access to their relatives who are trapped in Castro's leftist island prison.

Will his sleazy quid quo pro work?

Eric Holder, a sycophant of falied Dem gubernatorial candidate and former AG Janet "Waco" Reno, is now a member of President Obama's coterie.

Gregg Craig, President Obama's advisor on Latin American issues, represented Elian's Communist father in a Dem-enabled child-snatching.

When Cuban-Americans think of 'Crats, this is what they remember:
You see that is called policy.

People vote and politicians purpose policy.

People then vote for the politicain who purposed the policy they like.

Its called democracy.
If your wife took your child to Iran and then died leaving your child in the care of her great uncle and cousins would you want Iran to leave your child with them and refuse to send him/her back to you?

Who has a right to the child YOU or his dead mothers realitives?
What a laugh riot.

I notice that when people voted for the politician they liked in 2000 and 2004 you didn't think democracy was such a good idea.

US immigration law states "feet dry" = asylum.

"Waco" Reno shredded our own laws to appease Fidel.

And the empty suit you worship promises more of the same.
What a laugh riot.

I notice that when people voted for the politician they liked in 2000 and 2004 you didn't think democracy was such a good idea.

US immigration law states "feet dry" = asylum.

"Waco" Reno shredded our own laws to appease Fidel.

And the empty suit you worship promises more of the same.

And a child is not legally quailfied to deside to stay or not. That is up to his legal guardian. Who was this kids legal guardian? You see idiots like you failed to realize this was a child custody case.

BTW Bush cheated in both those elections to win and the evidence is overwhelming to prove this even if the so called "liberal " media is reluctant to report the facts.
We have custody reciprocity with Cuba?

Try again.

So Bush wasn't really elected, but due to a "vast right-wing conspiracy" he's been President for eight years?

Cue the Desh theme...

So the father should lose custody of a child to the child's great uncle because you dislike the politics of the nation where the father lives?

That makes sense.
Desh! Sol! Stop it! How many times do you have to be told. DON'T FEED THE TROLL!!!!
