Michigan Secy of State tells citizens to report election-challengers to the government!!

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
More proof democrats will engage in massive cheating again and no one will be allowed to challenge it. You can't have democracy if people are not allowed to question elections.

aug 4 2024 For years now, radical Soros-funded Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has been working overtime to make Michigan elections less secure and ripe for fraud. This letter was recently sent out from the Michigan Secretary of State’s office.
Notice the final paragraph:

“If you see misleading or inaccurate information regarding voting or elections in Michigan, please report it – and include an image if possible – to Misinformation@Michigan.gov.”

Its not the criminal acts that get punished....it is those who object to the criminal acts who get punished.....those who disobey the New Slavers.

You pull this stunt of staying stupid in a universe where Stupid Hurts!

Fuck U and the horse you rode in on.
More proof democrats will engage in massive cheating again and no one will be allowed to challenge it. You can't have democracy if people are not allowed to question elections.

Its not the criminal acts that get punished....it is those who object to the criminal acts who get punished.....those who disobey the New Slavers.


What time is it in Moscow right now, you two?

Time for your vodka break yet?
This would have unthinkable pre-obama. Democrats want to make it a crime to question elections. They must be very confident their cheating will work again in 2024.