Microsoft and China


Well-known member
Throughout my career I have opposed EvilCorp, that is Apple as the most sinister of all technological giants. They are in the hip pocket of Communist China and are pretty open about it. I refuse to buy any Apple product or do anything that would further the interests of EvilCorp.

But the main opposition to EvilCorp is Microsoft, and they look to be as bad, or maybe worse than Apple themselves in collusion with Beijing and activities to undermine the security of the United States Government and the average person in America.

We know Apple provides the CCP with source code to their operating systems and the microcode in their processors - in theory so Beijing can spy on Chinese citizens. Obviously nothing stops the CCP from also spying on anyone running an Apple device. EvilCorp works closely with the Chinese dictatorship to ensure they can read anything on your phone, iPad, or Mac.

But Apple is pretty much restricted to consumer devices. Microsoft dominates the server market. Even if servers are virtualized and running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) or even worse, Azure, the OS of the server is very likely to be Windows.

Just like Apple, Microsoft has provided China virtually all of their intellectual property in order to take advantage of cheap, often slave labor in China. This includes Server OS source code, such as Server 2022 - the industry standard network operating system, along with source code to Azure, the Microsoft cloud environment. And more chillingly, the source code of Microsoft AI efforts. The threat imposed by the Microsoft/CCP alliance cannot be overstated.
