Militarizing the Border


New member
President Obama will send 1,200 National Guard troops to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border. He will also request $500 million for border protection and law enforcement activities.

[ame=""]YouTube- Militarizing the Border[/ame]

Homeland Security and Pentagon officials have been jousting over the possible National Guard deployment for the better part of a year. Pentagon officials worried about perceptions that the U.S. was militarizing the border and did not want Guard troops to perform law enforcement duties. There are those who think that all objections are based on race, even though some are, most are based on the economic impact that illegal immigration has on our society. Illegal immigrates harm us all including legal immigrates. They keep wages low and eat up government services. Below is a graph from The Heritage Foundation.

In fact, the graph only really talks about the expenditures/revenues concerning low skilled immigrants and we know which immigrants that really means. Let's just assume it is not really targeted at Mexican immigrants, though. We should change the Statue of Liberty inscription.

Keep your poor and huddled masses. Send us the people that probably would have done just fine anywhere. Not the tempest tossed, only those arriving in luxury yachts may dock here. And they better not be yearning to breathe free either, cause we only want those who we can tax heavily.
I thought you were against illegal immigration? This graph claims to tell us the cost of government expenditures and revenues in regard to immigrants, not illegal immigrants.

True they did not separate illegal for the legal ones but it does point one that low wage jobs which are filled mostly by illegals cost the country more than any taxes that they might pay. The answer is two-fold; one, send all the illegals back and make Mexico cover our costs, and two, make it so that anyone who is willing to work has a livable wage.
We already did this like two years ago. The only thing that happened was that a bunch of guardsmen who were bored with their daily assignments and wanted a TDY got to volunteer to go to the border for 6 months...
In fact, the graph only really talks about the expenditures/revenues concerning low skilled immigrants and we know which immigrants that really means. Let's just assume it is not really targeted at Mexican immigrants, though. We should change the Statue of Liberty inscription.

Keep your poor and huddled masses. Send us the people that probably would have done just fine anywhere. Not the tempest tossed, only those arriving in luxury yachts may dock here. And they better not be yearning to breathe free either, cause we only want those who we can tax heavily.

One of our posters asked (Link)
How long are we suppose to be the world's savior? We can't provide for our own people, so why do we want to become like another India?​
He had a lot more to say which I do not wish to get into here, but his question is a valid one. Let me put it to you this way, I am a devoted Christian and believe in helping my fellow man. Right now I am doing so by supporting my Mother, and two brothers; without going into great detail, I'll just say that my finance are stretched at this time. If I were to freely give away a month worth of wages it would mean that my family would go without and maybe become homeless. I feel that charity begins at home and then reaches out. With thousands showing up for one job opening, how can we allow a million more to throw their hats in? First we have to get our economy rolling and rolling fast and then we can help the rest of the world. One of the themes in the video was that other countries, like Mexico need to make their nation an economically friendly place for all who are willing to work.
One of our posters asked (Link)
How long are we suppose to be the world's savior? We can't provide for our own people, so why do we want to become like another India?​
He had a lot more to say which I do not wish to get into here, but his question is a valid one. Let me put it to you this way, I am a devoted Christian and believe in helping my fellow man. Right now I am doing so by supporting my Mother, and two brothers; without going into great detail, I'll just say that my finance are stretched at this time. If I were to freely give away a month worth of wages it would mean that my family would go without and maybe become homeless. I feel that charity begins at home and then reaches out. With thousands showing up for one job opening, how can we allow a million more to throw their hats in? First we have to get our economy rolling and rolling fast and then we can help the rest of the world. One of the themes in the video was that other countries, like Mexico need to make their nation an economically friendly place for all who are willing to work.

Yes, I fully understand that the real purpose behind immigration barriers to the poor is to prop up the failed welfare state and to maintain the power of our bankers to feast on our taxes. Do you?
In fact, the graph only really talks about the expenditures/revenues concerning low skilled immigrants and we know which immigrants that really means. Let's just assume it is not really targeted at Mexican immigrants, though. We should change the Statue of Liberty inscription.

Keep your poor and huddled masses. Send us the people that probably would have done just fine anywhere. Not the tempest tossed, only those arriving in luxury yachts may dock here. And they better not be yearning to breathe free either, cause we only want those who we can tax heavily.

The statue of liberty inscription is not our immigration policy. It's a nice poem from a time when our national growth was so massive it could accomodate all the masses. Now new masses just destroy the middle class and drive wages to all new lows. Keep your globalist shit in your diaper.
I see a return to the Nativist movement of the past. Stupid Arizona congress men seeking to forbid the issuance of a birth certificate if at least one parent is not a citizen of the US, faux outrage at the of a mosque at ground zero, an overall anti-immigrant view in the US. It starts with illegals but will become a less directed antipathy. The bad thing is that citizens of the US who look like the people "we don't like" will get caught up in this. But so long as the law doesn't specifically target look alike US citizens we will all be fine with it.
I see a return to the Nativist movement of the past. Stupid Arizona congress men seeking to forbid the issuance of a birth certificate if at least one parent is not a citizen of the US, faux outrage at the of a mosque at ground zero, an overall anti-immigrant view in the US. It starts with illegals but will become a less directed antipathy. The bad thing is that citizens of the US who look like the people "we don't like" will get caught up in this. But so long as the law doesn't specifically target look alike US citizens we will all be fine with it.

That birth certificate thing when ONE person is illegal is over the line, i agree.

But many aspects of what you derogatorily refer to as "nativism" are valid.

In general, citizens deserve the labor market protections of enforced borders and immigration law.
True they did not separate illegal for the legal ones but it does point one that low wage jobs which are filled mostly by illegals cost the country more than any taxes that they might pay. The answer is two-fold; one, send all the illegals back and make Mexico cover our costs, and two, make it so that anyone who is willing to work has a livable wage.

Good luck with the first, and the second. Unfortunately.
Yes, I fully understand that the real purpose behind immigration barriers to the poor is to prop up the failed welfare state and to maintain the power of our bankers to feast on our taxes. Do you?

The job market is not welfare. The purpose of immigration law is stop immigrants from driving down wages too quickly for the indigenous population to adapt. This provides a short term pop in profits for corporations as they reduce pay due to the labor glut (you understand markets right?), who, in turn, lobby politicians to keep ignoring the problem. the quotas are on the books for a reason. The law is for the working class, as well as the executive class. Lobbying the government to disobey the law until the quota is what YOU want as a corporation is just a fascist hissy fit, not enlightened policy. It's just nation destroying greed which, long term, degrades the lifestyle of current citizens workers. Rights go to current citizens, not theoretical future citizens. So, with no due respect, because none is due, kindly apologize to demartman for your shitty globalist attitude and general callousness and dishonesty.