Military Regime in North Korea Speaks: Turn South Korea into Debris


New member
Hard to know if they are serious as Kim Jong-Il is no longer speaking for them, who is in charge there and are they crazy? Who really knows?

"North Korea threatened Tuesday to turn South Korea into "debris" in an unusually strong statement that demanded Seoul halt what the communist state called its policy of confrontation.
It was issued amid worsening relations between the Koreas, with the North angry about anti-Pyongyang leaflets floated across the border by activists and defector groups based in the South.

Pyongyang has also complained about reports by South Korean media over the health of its leader Kim Jong-Il , who is said to have suffered a stroke.

"The puppet authorities (Seoul) had better bear in mind that the advanced pre-emptive strike of our own style will reduce everything... to debris, not just setting them on fire," the North's military said.

"It will turn out to be a just war... to build an independent reunified state on it," it added in a statement carried by the state news agency.

The military warned it would take "resolute practical action" if the South pursued its "confrontational racket" by spreading leaflets and conducting a smear campaign "with sheer fabrications."

It described its pre-emptive capability as "beyond imagination, relying on striking means more powerful than a nuclear weapon." "

Well in light of seeing an unstable nuclear nation with missile range that can reach us that has someone crazy as a leader, I think the proper course of action is to cut missile defense, but not cut anything else. Lessee, who has that in their platform, who can it be?
They've been saying crazy shit like this for the past fifty years.

There is no they. There is a leader behind any of these statements, different leaders over time. History has shown that someday one will be crazy enough to actually do something and it could be this one, odds are it probably isn't, but it could be.

It would be nice to have missile defence as insurance, it's quite a big loss of life if you end up wrong on this.
I just can't think of any more critical role of government than pure defense.
Did anyone in Rome think in 472 that what they really needed was more of the dole?