Milley took action because gutless GOP wouldn’t stand up to mentally unbalanced Trump


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We are still in peril as a country as long as there is a possibility of Trump regaining the white-house?!!

Trump is still mentally unstable and unbalance too! And next time, there may not be a General Milley to save us?!!

What do you do when a president is crazy?

That’s essentially the question Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, faced in the twilight days of the Trump administration. His answer, as reported by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their forthcoming book, “Peril,” has some people up in arms.

It seems that Milley, according to published accounts from those who have read the book, became convinced his tantrum-throwing, spittle-spewing, reality-denying commander-in-chief was in a state of mental collapse and, as such, was an immediate threat to world peace. So the general went around him, twice reaching out via back channels to his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng.

The first call was last October. Milley had reportedly seen intelligence suggesting that China, rattled by U.S. military exercises in the South China Sea and by President Trump’s bellicose rhetoric, believed an American attack was imminent. He assured Zuocheng that this was not the case and went so far as to issue an extraordinary promise: “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time.”



according to even the fox military "expert," milley did nothing out of the ordinary. and according to fox's military reporter, milley was acting along with the current Secretary of Defense at that time, picked by trump.
Article 25 was not in play.

The general doesn't get to make mental evaluations of the Commander-in-Chief.

The general violated the chain of command and told the Chinese that he would warn them before any aid to the enemy.

Leavenworth for that rogue traitor.
The key player in the Afghan draw-down bloody debacle, the guy who thinks all Whites are racist, believes in White Rage, Woke Culture, the guy who holds criminal drug user George Floyd in high esteem, the guy who lied to us about the drone strike that killed innocent civilians including 7 children, the guy who conspired with his CCP counterpart, that he would notify them if we were planning an attack, the guy who ordered his men not to accept any lawful order from President Trump unless he gave the ok. For years he claimed the Afghan army was competent and can stand on their own. And he claimed they had no knowledge that the Taliban could take over the country in a matter of weeks.

General Milley

Lies, all of it.

The complete politicization of the military and intelligence services makes them dangerous, unbelievable, untrustworthy, and incompetent. And Milley and his Generals are all on board demonizing Trump supporters as domestic terrorists!!!!
Thank God, that there was someone out there who had the commonsense and the courage to save us and humanity from total destruction from the impulsive madman in the White House.
Thank God, that there was someone out there who had the commonsense and the courage to save us and humanity from total destruction from the impulsive madman in the White House.

Trumper, when I was in the AF, I would have been court-martialed had I done what Milley did.
Article 25 was not in play.

The general doesn't get to make mental evaluations of the Commander-in-Chief.

The general violated the chain of command and told the Chinese that he would warn them before any aid to the enemy.

Leavenworth for that rogue traitor.

The ex-Rear Admiral, drunken Ronny Jackson, doesn't get to make mental evaluations of the C-I-C.
this whole debacle concerning milley calling a foreign power about warnings for possible attacks tells me that almost none of you have an idiot clue about how the chain of command, nor the laws, work, in this nation..............but that's not surprising considering that none of you like the way freedom works