Million & Billions


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Ann Coulter starts at 30,000,000:

Lionel Shriver’s informative article reworked the numbers:

It matters how many illegal immigrants are truly living in the US, because President Biden has ambitions to offer them all a de facto amnesty and a path to citizenship. Should the president get his way and, say, 35 million people rather than the expected 11 million emerge from the shadows to apply for legal status, the political backlash could be considerable — including from legal immigrants and naturalized citizens, who went to a great deal of bother to follow the rules.

Every destructive unconstitutional policy Democrats implement after they fail to legislate is made possible with billions of tax deductible advertising dollars —— especially television's windfall every year.

This abbreviated list represents the ‘policies’ the public is aware of:

1. Open Borders

2. Citizenship for illegal aliens.

3. Economic refugees.

4. Gun controls.

5. Public school curricula in addition to Critical Race Theory.

6. Expanding the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority.

7. Reparations.

8. Tax dollar abortions.

9. Selling baby parts.

10. Euthanasia in the form of assisted suicide.

11. Same sex marriage.

12. Sex change surgery.

13. Rig elections with mail-in ballots, etc.

14. Laws legitimating unconstitutional hate speech.

15. Punish hate speech.

16. Big Tech abolishing freedom of speech.

17. Population controls disguised as a woman’s Right to kill an infant.

Finally, genocide started with Turkey killing two million Armenians:

The infamy of executing this century's first full scale ethnic cleansing belongs to Turkey's Young Turk government during World War I. In their highest councils Turkish leaders decided to exterminate every Armenian in the country, whether a front-line soldier or pregnant woman, famous professor or high bishop, important businessman or ardent patriot. All 2,000,000 of them.

As in everything else government priesthoods do their people, higher and higher numbers justify the killing irrespective of the morality and ethics:

The government ordered killings that took place in the Soviet Union, in Nazi Germany, and in Communist China were incomprehensible to decent men and women before the murders happened. Would-be protectors whose minds and souls are diseased with Socialism’s totalitarianism will kill billions after their global ducks are all in a line. Killing two or three billion out of a population of seven or eight billion will hardly be missed.

p.s. Do not doubt global government will, and can, kill billions with modern technology.

The New World Order crowd slaughtering billions is inevitable.

QUESTION: After United Nations’ population controls kill three billion worldwide will they kill —— or sterilize —— the one billion they send here?

The economist Bryan Caplan maintains that the US should take in a billion immigrants this century — never mind its perilous national water shortage; this summer’s severe western drought demonstrates the difficulty of supporting America’s population as is. But then, it’s no accident that Caplan’s graphic nonfiction book, “Open Borders,” is a cartoon.

Joe Biden wants amnesty, but US tally of illegal immigrants is deeply flawed
By Lionel Shriver
July 18, 2021 | 9:47pm

Thanks to media’s pandemic sales campaign, the smart money is on sterilizing with vaccines. Controlling the population with ‘VOLUNTARY’ vaccinations is harder to prove than starvation, firing squads, or ovens. In short: How do you prove not having children killed anybody?
Every destructive unconstitutional policy Democrats implement after they fail to legislate is made possible with billions of tax deductible advertising dollars —— especially television's windfall every year.

This abbreviated list represents the ‘policies’ the public is aware of:

I forgot to list a big one:

18. Democracy.

Prosecutors want him to serve 18 months, arguing in a recent filing that Hodgkins, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily halt their certification of President Biden’s election victory.

Florida man set to become first Capitol rioter sentenced for felony
By Tamar Lapin
July 19, 2021 | 11:30am

Joe Biden wants amnesty, but US tally of illegal immigrants is deeply flawed​

p.s. Hating Jews is the only part of Biden’s brain that is still functioning:

In 1949, the trailblazing anti-racist musical “South Pacific”––created by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II––debuted on Broadway to wild critical acclaim, running for over five years in nearly 2,000 performances.

A particularly powerful and influential song from the musical, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” carried the message that hatred does not arise spontaneously in the human species, but rather is inculcated––taught, sermonized, infused––by parents, teachers, coaches, political figures or other impassioned haters. Here are the still-relevant lyrics:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!


When Americans see Joe Biden––or whoever is running the show for him and Kalamity––appointing a virtual Who’s Who of Jew- and Israel-haters to the highest positions in his regime, and promulgating policies specifically designed to destroy Israel, it is clear that all of these appointees, as well as Ole Joe and Kalamity themselves, were very “carefully taught.”

And when Americans see the growing number of elected anti-Semitic Democrat haters––Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Cori Bush (MO), Jamaal Bowman (NY), the list gets longer every day––it is equally obvious that these DNA haters were very carefully taught and imbibed their toxic hatred with mother’s milk.

For a refresher, please see the documentation I’ve supplied of the alarmingly large number of vicious Jew-haters and Israel-loathers––the DNA anti-Semites––who Biden & Co. have put into the highest positions of the U.S. Government––look ‘em up!

The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught
by Joan Swirsky
(Jul. 18, 2021)

What a wonderful world it would be after a majority of human beings are taught to hate government priesthoods, parasites, and dirty little moralists.