Minorities love The Donald


Mr Trump speaks clearly to minorities such as the totally uneducated, racists and people utterly without feeling for others. Everywhere in the world the vast majority regard him as a grotesque bullying yobbo, as even the American extremists must know.
Unfortunately I'm not as talented as Desh so I can't speak for whole groups of people. However based on what I've seen and read there is little love/support for Trump among various minority groups.
The poll is misleading, he has the highest support from minorities of any candidate in previous elections, but that does not translate into minorities living Donald.
Mr Trump speaks clearly to minorities such as the totally uneducated, racists and people utterly without feeling for others. Everywhere in the world the vast majority regard him as a grotesque bullying yobbo, as even the American extremists must know.

LOL, you have zero idea what his economic proposals are. In your mind rich = evil.
No offense man, but I would trust a WND poll as much as I would one from DailyKos. Minorities HATE Trump. That poll is full of sh*t.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. They do like him. Recall the pack of black preachers ? Legal I migrants as well. And do not underestimate the power of the boon toob. We'll see how it goes of course but the abject fear in the lefty camp is signaling things are awry in their polling as well.
Everyone agrees that it's hard to know who likes him and won't say.
Gotta love the system people shaking in their wingtips over The Donald. Don't forget Perot, still got 20% AFTER dropping out and dropping back in and with that crazy codger vp pick of his self destructed.
Crazy can happen.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. They do like him. Recall the pack of black preachers ? Legal I migrants as well. And do not underestimate the power of the boon toob. We'll see how it goes of course but the abject fear in the lefty camp is signaling things are awry in their polling as well.
Everyone agrees that it's hard to know who likes him and won't say.
Gotta love the system people shaking in their wingtips over The Donald. Don't forget Perot, still got 20% AFTER dropping out and dropping back in and with that crazy codger vp pick of his self destructed.
Crazy can happen.

That was a small group of preachers who ultimately didn't come out in support of him. I can only speak from what I read and see from minorities but almost none of it is positive towards Donald. Many already dislike the Republican Party. Trump just takes it to another level.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. They do like him. Recall the pack of black preachers ? Legal I migrants as well. And do not underestimate the power of the boon toob. We'll see how it goes of course but the abject fear in the lefty camp is signaling things are awry in their polling as well.
Everyone agrees that it's hard to know who likes him and won't say.
Gotta love the system people shaking in their wingtips over The Donald. Don't forget Perot, still got 20% AFTER dropping out and dropping back in and with that crazy codger vp pick of his self destructed.
Crazy can happen.


I don't know any poll numbers but I do see the potential for Trump to do better with minorities than the pundits give him credit for. They haven't been right about Trump yet.

The problem is white liberals, which basically run most of the media, think they think like minorities think. When in fact, why would a Hispanic think a moratorium on Muslim immigration is such a bad idea? Why would the average black person think taking a hard line on Mexican immigrants is needlessly xenophobic....or whatever the word is white liberals use for common sense immigration measures?

Granted, Trump probably wouldn't get huge numbers of blacks or Hispanics, but he could peel away sufficient numbers out of both groups to make a difference.
I don't know any poll numbers but I do see the potential for Trump to do better with minorities than the pundits give him credit for. They haven't been right about Trump yet.

The problem is white liberals, which basically run most of the media, think they think like minorities think. When in fact, why would a Hispanic think a moratorium on Muslim immigration is such a bad idea? Why would the average black person think taking a hard line on Mexican immigrants is needlessly xenophobic....or whatever the word is white liberals use for common sense immigration measures?

Granted, Trump probably wouldn't get huge numbers of blacks or Hispanics, but he could peel away sufficient numbers out of both groups to make a difference.

Only time will tell but from what I hear and read Trump, and the Republican Party as a result, will get crushed by minorities. Minorities already don't like the Republican Party and Trump is making it exponentially worse.

One thing he would do is draw Hispanics to the polls who either 1) don't regularly vote or 2) to register to vote and then do so. Doesn't matter if it's Hillary or Bernie on the other side they would be there to vote against Trump. There are a small number of black Muslims in the U.S. and many black people know a black Muslim so when they hear Trump talking about banning Muslims is does not draw them to him.

I'm not a liberal and I have thought this out. Romney got crushed on the Hispanic vote and lost the election. Trump will not draw enough white voters to the polls to win a national election. The Republican Party will be f'd if he wins the nomination.
I don't know any poll numbers but I do see the potential for Trump to do better with minorities than the pundits give him credit for. They haven't been right about Trump yet.

The problem is white liberals, which basically run most of the media, think they think like minorities think. When in fact, why would a Hispanic think a moratorium on Muslim immigration is such a bad idea? Why would the average black person think taking a hard line on Mexican immigrants is needlessly xenophobic....or whatever the word is white liberals use for common sense immigration measures?

Granted, Trump probably wouldn't get huge numbers of blacks or Hispanics, but he could peel away sufficient numbers out of both groups to make a difference.

Here are poll numbers from September for Trump with Hispanic voters.

About 70% at Very Negative
About 5% at Somewhat Negative
About 15% at Neutral
Just under 10% at Somewhat Positive
Just under 5% at Very Positive


To give you a point of reference Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote when he won the Presidency.

It's a matter of putting yourself in someone else's shoes. When the first thing Trump says when he announces he's running for President is Mexico is sending up all their criminals and rapists how do you think most Hispanics will react? They don't like it and it shows. Trump's not an idiot, he knows what he's saying and what kind of response it will get. Some people love that rhetoric while others deplore it. Trump can't win the Presidency with the white vote alone. Looking at this poll he has no chance.
Here are poll numbers from September for Trump with Hispanic voters.

About 70% at Very Negative
About 5% at Somewhat Negative
About 15% at Neutral
Just under 10% at Somewhat Positive
Just under 5% at Very Positive


To give you a point of reference Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote when he won the Presidency.

It's a matter of putting yourself in someone else's shoes. When the first thing Trump says when he announces he's running for President is Mexico is sending up all their criminals and rapists how do you think most Hispanics will react? They don't like it and it shows. Trump's not an idiot, he knows what he's saying and what kind of response it will get. Some people love that rhetoric while others deplore it. Trump can't win the Presidency with the white vote alone. Looking at this poll he has no chance.

Trump could absolutely win with the white vote. The trick is getting them turned out to vote and vote Republican. Lots of white conservatives stayed home with for McCain and Romney. That was kind of my point, with a high white turn-out Trump only needs to peel off some of the minority vote.
Trump could absolutely win with the white vote. The trick is getting them turned out to vote and vote Republican. Lots of white conservatives stayed home with for McCain and Romney. That was kind of my point, with a high white turn-out Trump only needs to peel off some of the minority vote.

I know Rush has made that argument that Romney could have won if more whites turned out but I've seen those statistical guys at 538 disprove it. What also gets left out of the equation is the number of 'establishment' Repubkicans that wouldn't support Trump. So any supposive advantage Trump might gain from new voters would be lost right there.

Cruz's whole argument is whites stay home because the candidate isn't conservative enough. First off I don't buy that for a minute because if it was the case GWB never would have won twice. That last part aside Trump isn't conservative. His immigration policies appeal to a certain number of whites and that's it.

I'm not saying you can't support the man I'm just pointing out what I see are the reasons he has no chance and would hurt the Republican Party across the board.