Miracles of Modern Crapitalism!


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sadly, all the libtards can't see that those libs who are rich, are promoting that very system to keep the lower classes down. very sad.

I call the rich ones limosine liberals, you know em they would step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing fur.:good4u:
It's refreshing to see the true Republican agenda in plain, straight-forward language.

“We don’t have a democracy where the Congress depends on people alone anymore. People have increasingly been replaced by the funders ... The problem in this Congress is in plain sight. It is corruption, alive and increasingly sickening.”
Lawrence Lessig

Conservatives don't believe in democracy, it's bad for business to put country over profits and party. But you're right, it's good to see their agenda in the light of day.
"I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy." Thomas Paine

shouldn't this be titled why Most Libtards aren't Rich!!!

Weird comment, if money equaled happiness or value or contentment why the whining from those who do fine in life? The only thing any of rich, poor, or in between face for sure is unconscious infinity - why spend this brief second comparing what you are lucky enough to possess with all the others who have more or less than you but may be happier or even sadder.

"Objects we ardently pursue bring little happiness when gained; most of our pleasures come from unexpected sources." Herbert Spencer