MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data


on indefiniate mod break
*stirs the pot*

Boston (MA) - Scientists at MIT have recorded a nearly simultaneous world-wide increase in methane levels. This is the first increase in ten years, and what baffles science is that this data contradicts theories stating man is the primary source of increase for this greenhouse gas. It takes about one full year for gases generated in the highly industrial northern hemisphere to cycle through and reach the southern hemisphere. However, since all worldwide levels rose simultaneously throughout the same year, it is now believed this may be part of a natural cycle in mother nature - and not the direct result of man's contributions.

*climbs back up onto perch*
The green activists really have to move away from Global warming as there lead attack and focus on health. I bet they would find much higher levels of cancers in areas where there is more pollution/smog.

not that anyone here will watch it
I'll watch it in a bit. Probably some time this weekend. Gotta do the Trick or Treating thing with the wee ones.
not that anyone here will watch it

Sure with that kind of sales pitch I will skip it.

LOL well after months of posting links that get ignored, I'm just being realistic. But if you are interested in science it's worth a look. Of course there's no IPCC endorsement, so Cypress and other will not be impressed.
Tin I pick up a bit of that on PBS during the year. And no it is not all leftwing stuff.

As far as climeate stuff goes, we know the world is not flat so to speak, but not lots more at this point, but we are learning. However if manmade stuff is largely to balme we will just have to try and rough it out as it si too late to do much except perhaps limit the severity.

Persoanlly I think the manamde stuff has an impact I am just not sure if it is significant or not yet. I am definately for reducing polloution though for other reasons.

It would really suck to live in some areas I drive thru, the stink alone aside from the health reasons.
Persoanlly I think the manamde stuff has an impact I am just not sure if it is significant or not yet

We agree that humans have an effect. I don't think that it's significant. The relationship between CO2 and temp follows the hypothesis that ocean warming decreases the carbon sequestration capability of the oceans and leads to an increase in concentration. Excess biomass during warm periods also adds to the increase when it decomposes. Human contribution is too small have a large effect anyway since the relationship of CO2 to temp has less of an effect the greater the concentration reaches. 90% of the greenhouse effect is achieved in the first 10 ppm.

human increases have almost no effect. Cosmic Ray flux and cloud formation has more of an effect than human concentration could ever achieve.

It's a matter of time before the CRF/cloud hypothesis is confirmed. Sun cycle 24 is late and may be weak. We'll see what the climate does. One thing is for sure, the propaganda has slowed to a trickle. I find it quite telling. You only get Al gore and James Hansen continuing to push their carbon control agenda
IBdumb, you gonna sink with global warming ship? It's going down. Only a fool would ignore the signs. I've linked all the science. CFR, solar cycles, Atlantic and Pacific oscillations and the effect on El nino/ninas. There is so much evidence that the warming in nineties was natural yet you ignore it all based on the UN sponsored IPCC reports which included hockey stick BS that weighted one tree ring study 390% greater than any other study used, thereby ensuring the dramatic temp increase paradigm of the nineties could be used to ram carbon controls in place.