Mitt vs. Mitt


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He is EXACTLY like John Kerry. He was for it before he was against it. Republicans had a field day with Kerry, so why now is it okay for Mitt? What I mean by that is WHY would a Republican vote for a guy that has pulled off every imaginable flip-flop when Republicans blasted Kerry for doing the EXACT same thing. You people aren't voting for Mitt, you're voting against Obama. Hard to win an election when you aren't voting FOR something.

Wow. You know if they just run Romney vowing to protect a woman's right to choose...I think they can really suppress turnout among the religious right. That's a ten second ad that could do him in for good.
Mitt Romney is a liar and a flip flopper. He would say ANYTHING to get elected. He has held to opposite views on so many issues how ANYONE could vote for him is beyond me.