Money on my mind

A new behavioral study finds that folks with money on their minds are less helpful, less considerate and less willing to ask for assistance or engage with others than those who have not been "preconditioned" to money. On the bright side, the money-minded tend to be more independent and focused, and they tend to work longer on a task before asking for help.

The nine experiments in the study, published as "The Psychological Consequences of Money" in a recent issue of Science Magazine, used random samples of students and nonstudents at the University of Minnesota, Florida State University and the University of British Columbia.

Kathleen Vohs, an assistant professor of marketing at the UM Carlson School of Management who authored the article with Nicole Mead of FSU and Miranda Goode of UBC, says she was surprised at how consistent the findings were across the nine experiments.
Its not so much money on the mind as it is the things I could do with more money. I am comfortable and we have a great life. But more money would allow me to do more for my kids, my in-laws, and some other folks in need of a hand.

And given the choice between driving a GMC Yukon and a Porsche 911 Turbo, I gotta say the porsche certainly sounds better.
that's cause her rental properties are losing value. She owns 18 houses

Why are you lying now toppy?

I own two and 1/3rd houses.

I live in one , rent the other one which was my first house and the 1/3rd is the home my wonderful father in law just left my hubby and his siblings.

Yes they are all worth less than they once were worth and as I have said repetedly they are all a relative investiment to me. I kept the Cali house to keep from being shut out of the Cali market when I want to move back.

The beach house (my FILs house) I would love to keep and pass down to the kids.

I have always talked about getting life priorities right.

Money is a great tool but it is ONLY One tool to use to find happiness.

Far too many Americans have seen it as the whole reason for happiness for far too long.
IT's called a joke desh, I knew you had rental property so I took liberty.

And I have complimented you bou cou times on your family values.
Why are you lying now toppy?

I own two and 1/3rd houses.

I live in one , rent the other one which was my first house and the 1/3rd is the home my wonderful father in law just left my hubby and his siblings.

Yes they are all worth less than they once were worth and as I have said repetedly they are all a relative investiment to me. I kept the Cali house to keep from being shut out of the Cali market when I want to move back.

The beach house (my FILs house) I would love to keep and pass down to the kids.

I have always talked about getting life priorities right.

Money is a great tool but it is ONLY One tool to use to find happiness.

Far too many Americans have seen it as the whole reason for happiness for far too long.

I think that whether money is the focus depends on whether you have enough of it to manage your life. When I was having trouble paying my bills, money was a MUCH bigger issue.
I spent many years with little or no money. My life at that time was focused on college, survival and helping my Parents and little bro and sis.

Money was not my aim even back then. I wanted to KNOW things , I wanted to be educated. I rented a huge victorian (beat to shit) house and rented the rooms out to others, worked on campus and shopped at thrift stores and saved money to suppliment my parents income when I could. I found many a great treasure at the thrift stores which I still own. Things like beautiful bauer pitchers and bowls for a buck a piece. Beautiful old furniture that just needed refinishing like the gate leg table sitting next to me that was covered with 6 coats of paint ( when I put both leaves in and unfold the ends I can sit a dozen people at it) for 12 bucks. I am sitting at a desk that cost me five dollars, It is an beautiful oak mission style school desk that I suspect is near 70 years old. Money is a great tool but most do not use it to its greatest use. Learn to stretch that puppy so thin that you think it will break. Its a tool and life has many tools to aid you in finding happiness.
Look at the value of what you come acrossed not just in terms of what it costs but at what it can be used for.

Even when I was young security from want was my aim. I was a study in not wanting things I did not need. I desided long ago not to want what other people want simply because I thought I was supposed to it. This is why I dont care about clothes, makeup , jewlery and anything unfunctional. I always saw these things as a ploy to get women to feel inadequate and to therefore spend lots of money to feel adequate.

Money is great and I love it, its a measure of work to use to get what you need from society. I have in the bank right now measures of the hard work my dearly loved Father in law aquired with his hard work adn wisdom. I owe it to him to not squander his hard work. I will stretch those measures as far as I can to honor his hard work. Money is great but its what you do with it that really matters.
"This is why I dont care about clothes, makeup , jewlery and anything unfunctional. I always saw these things as a ploy to get women to feel inadequate and to therefore spend lots of money to feel adequate."

That's interesting. I suppose there is a lot of truth in that. I think with jewelry, it's used more to make men feel inadequate though. Though, the byproduct of that, if the ring, or the diamond studs, or whatever, aren't big enough, then not only is the man inadequate, but the woman is less loved than her coworker with the bigger carat weight.

When I was going to get married, I had already gotten so f'ing fed up with these older, greedy women, always asking me "how big a ring is he going to get". "where are you taking him for the ring", that I told my fiance I refuse to have one. And I found these beautiful gold bands in a museum shop, and written inside in old english, was "thee I choose all others I refuse". I was always easily able to reject that disgusting, grabbing, greed that I would see on people's faces, and their judgements of love, which were so shallow and stupid.

But cosmetics and clothes, I don't have your fortitude on that desh. I can't stay away from the mac and bobbi brown counters. And I do like clothes.

But you're not wrong.
If you like them and they make you happy that is wonderful Darla.

If it comes from you and not societial pressure then go for it girl.

I (probably a little out of spite of being a poor kid) thought ,I dont want that shit and they cant make me want it. I have saved massive money all my life because of it.

Here is my one real concern for you. Be very careful what you put on your face. The mucus membranes absorb the chemicals of the makeup and can cause all sorts of conditions. Its one of the reasons I decided not to spend on this crap.

I have always been wary of the chemicals of the day. I had a friend long ago who used to tease me about drinking things with sugar in them. I told him I knew what sugar does to the body but that the ten diet Dr Peppers he drank a day had chemicals in them that no one knows what they do. The really sad end to this story is Mike died of stomack cancer a couple of years after that.
If you like them and they make you happy that is wonderful Darla.

If it comes from you and not societial pressure then go for it girl.

I (probably a little out of spite of being a poor kid) thought ,I dont want that shit and they cant make me want it. I have saved massive money all my life because of it.

Here is my one real concern for you. Be very careful what you put on your face. The mucus membranes absorb the chemicals of the makeup and can cause all sorts of conditions. Its one of the reasons I decided not to spend on this crap.

I have always been wary of the chemicals of the day. I had a friend long ago who used to tease me about drinking things with sugar in them. I told him I knew what sugar does to the body but that the ten diet Dr Peppers he drank a day had chemicals in them that no one knows what they do. The really sad end to this story is Mike died of stomack cancer a couple of years after that.

My bf tells me the same things, about the cosmetics and the diet coke. I will start paying attention.
My bf tells me the same things, about the cosmetics and the diet coke. I will start paying attention.

All sodas are bad for you in one way or another. Desh is right... way way too many chemicals in the diets. Way too much sugar in the leaded versions.

Water is good for you.
All sodas are bad for you in one way or another. Desh is right... way way too many chemicals in the diets. Way too much sugar in the leaded versions.

Water is good for you.

I have taken to drinking hot green tea (I make it in a coffee pot with tea bags). I also keep a chilled bottle in the fridge and sweeten it with whatever fruit juice I have and it tastes great. You can even use the fruit and veggie types and it tastes great.

I also drink Tahoe Springs water I have delivered. Its from the Tahoe Springs snow melt. Tastes great and is low on the Chemicals we now live with everywhere.
Money on my Mind by Lil Wayne

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I think that whether money is the focus depends on whether you have enough of it to manage your life. When I was having trouble paying my bills, money was a MUCH bigger issue.

I think once you reach a certain level of affluence, money doesn't really affect your happiness that much.
There are things that I enjoy that cost money. Its not the money I want, its the things that I enjoy. Giving things to my wife that make her smile are worth every penny I spend. Giving cash to my kids to help them keep going to school is worth every penny.

I sacrifice time with my family to make a good living. I have been where I made more money but it varied from check to check. I like the security of knowing exactly what is coming.

Darla, concerning your spending on you to make you look better, that is worth it in my opinion. Whether you actually look better or not, its money well spent. If you FEEL better about yourself and take that out in the world and do well, thats what you are buying.
I think once you reach a certain level of affluence, money doesn't really affect your happiness that much.

It shouldnt, but people get trapped by the idea of money.

It has an instant gratification aspect to it.

Feel down and your wife is buzy with the kids? go buy a new golf club that you dont need and you will feel better.

Feel down and your husband is too buzy with his football buddies? Go buy a new pair of shoes that you dont need and you will feel better.

Money is power and you can have a sense of control when you walk into a store with the intention of buying.

Our country just spent a decade or more using credit and home equity to optain this feeling and look where it lead us?