Montana Judge tells the R party

Republican Party spokesman Bridger Pierce pointed out that Molloy was appointed by Democratic President Clinton.

I don't care whose idea it is, same day voter registration iss inviting all kinds of fraud - fraud that will be almost impossible to trace. The timing of the republican challenge may be questionable, but that does not mean changing the voter registration laws was a good idea. You keep harping on fraud, yet support one of the most fraud-enabling laws on the books. Voting machines may be hackable, but how many people actually know how to do that? It takes a lot less know-how for people to same-day register and vote in multiple districts. And since the registration counts will match ballot counts, any fraud will be found way to late to do anything about it.
I don't care whose idea it is, same day voter registration iss inviting all kinds of fraud - fraud that will be almost impossible to trace. The timing of the republican challenge may be questionable, but that does not mean changing the voter registration laws was a good idea. You keep harping on fraud, yet support one of the most fraud-enabling laws on the books. Voting machines may be hackable, but how many people actually know how to do that? It takes a lot less know-how for people to same-day register and vote in multiple districts. And since the registration counts will match ballot counts, any fraud will be found way to late to do anything about it.

It takes one person hacking a vote counting machine to change the votes of thousands of people. Your scenario of fraud by lots of people showing up to register and vote on the same day requires a lot of people risking felony convictions to cast one illegal vote each.

One of these scenarios is much more plausible and dangerous than the other.

And you assume that there aren't safeguards in place to prevent fraud by registering and voting on the same day.
I don't care whose idea it is, same day voter registration iss inviting all kinds of fraud - fraud that will be almost impossible to trace. The timing of the republican challenge may be questionable, but that does not mean changing the voter registration laws was a good idea. You keep harping on fraud, yet support one of the most fraud-enabling laws on the books. Voting machines may be hackable, but how many people actually know how to do that? It takes a lot less know-how for people to same-day register and vote in multiple districts. And since the registration counts will match ballot counts, any fraud will be found way to late to do anything about it.

Every study on the type of fraud you are worried about produces next to nothing.

Its a shadow problem used to creat mass disenfranchisement of legal voters in just the type of case I posted here.
Just a thought. In Ireland, as in much of the European Union, all citizens without exception over the age of 18 (16 in Austria) are entitled to have their names entered on the electoral register. The maintenance of the electoral register is vested in civil servants and there are severe legal penalties for people who attempt to register incorrectly or who attempt to prevent people registering or purge the rolls. The electoral register is updated every year, irrespective of whether there is an election or not, and all citrizens are obliged to register. Registration is by post or in person.

In my thirty years as an elections organiser for the mainstream Left I can not recall there having been any duispute at all about people being purged from an electoral register or the polling rolls being stuffed by partisan campaigners. There have certainly been a number of high profile electoral fraud cases in the UK and the city of Birmingham in particular, but not to my knowledge surrounding the register itself.

Perhaps the eletoral registration authorities in the US should take a leaf out of Ireland and the EU's book on how to maintain non-partisan electoral registers? The manipulation of the electoral roll, and especially the attempt to prevent people from registering or to purge the rolls of oppponents is an absolute disgrace and is completely intolerable.
Every study on the type of fraud you are worried about produces next to nothing.

Its a shadow problem used to creat mass disenfranchisement of legal voters in just the type of case I posted here.
The type of fraud made available by things like same-day registration are almost impossible to detect. If it cannot be detected, then no study is going to turn it up. Best can be done is a statistical analysis, showing the probability of fraud but not proving it.

Same day registration is wrong. Purging registers at the last moment is also wrong. Paperless machines are wrong.

I oppose all of them. Funny how the only ones you oppose are the ones assumed to help republicans, but the ones shown to be advantageous to democrats you support.

I prefer neither side cheat.
I thank you for your input but the funniest part of this is there is no evidence that this type of fraud is a problem.

Every study done has turned up miniscule numbers of cases.

Its a phantom created by our conservative Republican party to have an excuse to try and keep people from voting.

You see they do better in elections when fewer people vote.

Democracy is not in their favor.
And you assume that there aren't safeguards in place to prevent fraud by registering and voting on the same day.
What kinds of safeguards are available? Can two polling places instantaneously compare incoming same-day registrations? What about in two adjacent counties? There is a reason registering to vote used to be required a certain time in advance of an election: to make sure registrations are correct and catch fraudulent registrants.

But this is one more area where todays liberal movement ignores the concept of personal responsibility. Register in advance? That takes responsibility. Show up at a polling booth? That takes responsibility. Can't have that, they might start thinking for themselves.
What kinds of safeguards are available? Can two polling places instantaneously compare incoming same-day registrations? What about in two adjacent counties? There is a reason registering to vote used to be required a certain time in advance of an election: to make sure registrations are correct and catch fraudulent registrants.

But this is one more area where todays liberal movement ignores the concept of personal responsibility. Register in advance? That takes responsibility. Show up at a polling booth? That takes responsibility. Can't have that, they might start thinking for themselves.

Look pal, why don't you do some actual research on the issue before spouting off this nonsense? You know, how about taking personal resonsibility for your ignorance?
Just a thought. In Ireland, as in much of the European Union, all citizens without exception over the age of 18 (16 in Austria) are entitled to have their names entered on the electoral register. The maintenance of the electoral register is vested in civil servants and there are severe legal penalties for people who attempt to register incorrectly or who attempt to prevent people registering or purge the rolls. The electoral register is updated every year, irrespective of whether there is an election or not, and all citrizens are obliged to register. Registration is by post or in person.

In my thirty years as an elections organiser for the mainstream Left I can not recall there having been any duispute at all about people being purged from an electoral register or the polling rolls being stuffed by partisan campaigners. There have certainly been a number of high profile electoral fraud cases in the UK and the city of Birmingham in particular, but not to my knowledge surrounding the register itself.

Perhaps the eletoral registration authorities in the US should take a leaf out of Ireland and the EU's book on how to maintain non-partisan electoral registers? The manipulation of the electoral roll, and especially the attempt to prevent people from registering or to purge the rolls of oppponents is an absolute disgrace and is completely intolerable.

We won't. It makes too much sense.