Moral High Ground & Lowdown Socialists


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To Democrats, scare tactics combined with their interpretation of the moral high ground is a sure thing. The moral high ground by itself often fails to convince the public that tax dollars are required to fix this, that, or whatever it is Democrats are fixing. Claiming the moral high ground never fails when it is married to a scare tactic. The result is that big government insiders get fat on tax dollars —— leaving the country buried under another piece of totalitarian Socialist morality.

The moral high ground never fails when it is married to a scare tactic. The result is that big government insiders get fat on tax dollars —— poisoning the country with another piece of Socialist morality.

Tucker Carlson got off a good one last night, but he never mentioned every politician’s hole card.


Occupying the moral high ground has been driving the transition from president to pope for a longtime. Socialism has gone about as far as it can go without a firm moral foundation. The Great Society, the war on poverty, and Roe v Wade are morally bankrupt; nevertheless, Socialists get away with it “for the common good.” The common good by force, funded by tax dollars, was not only Socialism’s moral foundation, it became the Golden Rule to collectivists demanding a free lunch.

Before World War One, Communists/Socialists sold their religion with a straight face. Nobody could disprove their big government views simply because their brand of government had never been tested. The heirs of America’s first generation of Socialists now promote big government to protect their spot at the public trough. Because they are heirs rather than successors, they are becoming more absurd with each passing day as they try to conceal their tax dollar gluttony and still look like noble benefactors.

Claiming the moral high ground by spouting the usual garbage is a standard stuff. If you want to count dead bodies compare the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death against individual liberties. Big governments butchered more than 100 million of their own people in a little over a century. The number is sure to rise to a billion or more under the pretense of population control if they get their global government. Murdered infants since 1973 in this country alone is well over 55 million, and they just getting started if the ACA is not repealed.

The people individual Communists hate must be portrayed as so bad Socialists/Communists are morally justified in hating them; ergo, every Communist sees hatred as the moral high ground. In addition, Communists realized that anger, real or pretended, is the perfect cover for hatred and intimidation. Anger implies an injustice. Hatred is a basic.

Mankind will be lucky if the genocide crowd controlling governments stop at abortion. Twentieth century governments used more direct methods of killing when they did not have abortion as moral justification for slaughtering their own people. One can only cringe at the methods governments will adopt when they claim abortion gives them the moral high ground.

It is doubly-dangerous for do-gooders, religious fanatics, Communist revolutionaries, deviates, and charity hustlers who acquire tax dollar wealth, power, and privilege, drape themselves in morality. Invariably, the immoral majority tires of hearing how bad they are; leaving them no choice but to take the moral high ground and commence slaughtering every dirty little moralist race hustler in sight.

Public Trough Intellectuals (PTI) say America has a moral imperative, or a moral obligation, or a responsibility, or a duty, to intervene militarily on the side of the rebels. Whenever PTIs cannot make a case for a piece of their agenda they head for the moral high ground as only they can define moral high ground. That is the kind of touchy-feely garbage that gets Americans killed while making the world worse off.

Coerced charity used to be the moral high ground defending Socialism’s ideology. Thanks to the tax code coerced charity became a reality too big to fail. Painting tax dollar charity hustlers as the most humane creatures God and Karl Marx ever created. After all, how can anyone bubbling over with the milk of human kindness be faulted for wanting to do good? That answer is easy. They do not want to do good, they want to force everyone else to do good while they sit back and rake in the dough.

Obama got advice on his gig from bible-thumping hustlers like Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson. Advice on how to assume the moral high ground without saying anything other than trumpeting a belief in God. Once a congregation swallows that crap, the preacher can say, and do, any damn thing that comes to mind as in Jeremiah Wright’s case.

Remember that bible-thumping hustlers have to shake money loose from their flocks based on nothing more than their own self-proclaimed superior morality. Obama did same thing with the power of government at his command. He is taking money from his “flock” based on his personal morality. In so doing, Obama is using all of the tricks he learned from hustling preachers except that he never invoked God. Instead of God, Obama invoked hope and change.

As for Obama himself: He made the same mistake every liar makes when preaching utopia: He assumes he is believed by everybody.

Personally, I will never understand how any adult can fall for the garbage Obama dished out.

Obama’s re-election strategy was not a sermon to the choir. The Parasite Class knew which side of the bread was buttered; so he told the suckers he occupies the moral high ground —— certain that morality would convince them to vote for him again. They did.

On the day that average black Americans see themselves as liars because of Obama they will relinquish their dubious claim to moral superiority for all time. If that ever happens, Obama’s skin might not be enough to bring out black voters in the numbers he needs.

As to the other half of the entry: Michelle Obama’s following comment was a clever way of saying that blacks have a lock on the truth; that she and Barack will drive the white liars out of government.

I never could figure out why racial balance immediately became the moral high ground. Before the theory of racial balance sent white Americans on a guilt trip, I never heard anyone say “There are too many Germans in this country. America needs more Irish , more Italians, more Polish, etc., in order to achieve nationality balance.”

Instead of occupying an authentic moral high ground that Fabian Society Socialists failed to inhabit before 1913, today’s Communists/Socialists are stuck with the task of convincing everyone that being a freeloader is the highest moral ambition known to man. Trying to convince the folks who do the work to accept the parasites as noble human beings is one tough sell. “I want to give something back” just does not cut it when we all know damn well they mean “I want to live high on everyone else’s labors.” (I know this suggestion will fly like a lead balloon, but if the parasites really “want to give something back” they can start with the money.) That brings me Bubba.

Former President Clinton said something just before he left office, or just after, that really defined him for me. I am writing from memory; so I am not sure of the exact quote, but it went something like this: “I want to thank everyone for working with me” or maybe he said he wanted to thank everyone for allowing him to work with them. I know it is always best to have the exact quote, but in Bubba’s case it does not matter. What does matter is that Clinton’s use of the phrase “working with” shows that he never had any conception of what the private sector workaday world is all about.

When it comes to working for a living, you either work for someone or you work against them. If you are the boss, your subordinates either work for you or against you, but never with you. There is no such thing as working “with.” You can go to dinner with someone, you can have sex with someone, but you cannot work with someone. It is impossible.

Two workers on a production line are not working with one another; they are both working for themselves first — then their supervisor, and ultimately for the owner and the company. No employee that I ever met ever thought they were working with their fellow employees either. And you can bet that the guy or gal working in a nice air-conditioned office does not want to work with the laborer out on the loading dock, and I am not referring to the equal distribution of perspiration.

Socialist/Communist hypocrites in academia scream their heads off to protect tenure under the guise of protecting academic freedom, but, in truth, they love tenure because they do not have to work “for” or work “with” anyone because they cannot be fired. They work for themselves and all the while promoting the idea that everyone else should work together for the glory of Socialism.

“Work” is where Socialism always stumbles. Socialists must convince private sector wage earners that they are working “with” the government for their own benefit, or the “common good” if that is the phrase that turns you on. No matter the brand of baloney, it implies that Socialists/Communists living on tax dollars actually engage in useful work. That is not the case and never will be. Somebody has to be in charge, and the guy in charge does not do the work; most especially not with his or her hands on the manual labor level.

Now if the Clintons of the world want to talk about “working with” everyone to achieve equal distribution of the work, including stoop labor, I am willing to listen so long as they are included in the starting lineup for a shift or two over at the pickle factory.

Socialists make dirty in their knickers at the thought of private sector workers asking in one voice “Why the hell should we take orders from you when we pay your salary?” It is that sticking point that Socialist/Communist planners cannot get past. All of their doublespeak, all of their intellectual hogwash, all of their fancy rhetoric aimed at claiming the moral high ground cannot get past that incorruptible obstacle before the “working against” factor kicks in.

“Working against” is something American Communists knew all about when they were angling for a foothold in government; so they do not want it turned on them now that they are fat and comfy in tax dollar paradise.

It has been said that two parallel lines meet in infinity. I am willing to swear on the Holy Bible, the Communist Manifesto, and the latest issue of Playboy, that “working for” and “working with” will never meet in infinity or anywhere else.

Let me close with a few odds and ends.

The American Left never shuts up because they think their fake tears entitles them to the moral high ground.

Self-proclaimed moral superiority is liberalism’s battle cry.

Socialists/Communists always make the mistake of thinking everybody else accepts their definition of the moral high ground.

Socialists/Communists can sniff out the moral high ground faster than hound dogs can pick up the scent of a runaway from the chain gang.

The Left’s morality never goes beyond catching a conservative breaking one of the Ten Commandments.

How wonderful it must be to live up to the teachings of spiritual leaders like Joe Stalin and the Chicago sewer rat.

Claiming the moral high ground to justify socialized medicine was always a sly approach to enriching the Parasite Class.

The greatest harm a free people can do to themselves is give the folks on the political Left the opportunity to falsely assume the moral high ground.





Self-proclaimed moral superiority is liberalism’s battle cry.


Note that The Father of Outsourcing American Industries did it for a global common good. Making a ton of money for putting Americans out of work never occurred to him, nor did it ever occur to Democrats who got rich on tax dollars for decades betraying this country to China. Move the cursor to 11:00 for the good part:
