Morality vs. Public Policy


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The recent op-ed in Christianity Today calling for the removal of President Trump from office because he is morally unfit to lead the country renews an age-old debate about morality and the presidency. In a perfect world, we would prefer that our presidents be morally upstanding individuals with principles and values worthy of emulation. Not all of our presidents meet this standard, which invariably forces tradeoffs between the personal attributes that we admire and those that we cannot. This question of morality, however, must be juxtaposed against the first job of government: to protect the citizenry above all else.

December 29, 2019
Morality and the Presidency
By Dennis L. Weisman

Dennis L. Weisman’s article is a good read, but he did not go anywhere near my opinions about morality. The following comments pick up where Weisman ends.

When will the bums in high office ever learn that Americans do not want their leaders formulating policies based on “Doing the moral thing?” In short: Government officials can shove their personal morality up the furthest part of their collective asses. No decent person needs a douche bag in the federal government paying for a stranger’s morality with tax dollars.

Do not get me wrong here. A president being a decent man with a spiritual nature is not a bad thing even if he engages in a bit of preaching from the bully pulpit whenever the mood moves him; so long as he does not dip into the public purse to payoff pious frauds which is exactly why this country is becoming a full-fledged welfare state.

The minute a martinet acquires political power they impose their morality on every sinner in sight. Priests do it, the wealthy do it, and politicians certainly do it. Hell, Democrats send out their tax collectors to force their morality on everybody.

QUESTION: Whose morality? Yours, mine, or the New World Order crowd’s morality? ANSWER: Self-defense is the highest morality —— not organized religion’s morality. For thousands of ears they all based their morality on THOU SHALL NOT. In 1913 Socialists/Communists priests figured out that the tax collector’s morality paid better. The XVI Amendment created a dilemma that has never been debated let alone faced. Either you believe in individual liberties, or you believe in the tax collector’s morality.

Socialism/Communism is a religion whose one true God goes by the name Mammon. The tax collector’s morality is Socialism’s doctrine.

Implementing the tax collector’s morality is exactly what is happening with Obamacare. The Chicago sewer rat cum universal-spiritual-leader gave as much money to his parasite pals as he could before the entire ACA is repealed. Happily, most Americans finally have a bellyful of the Chicago sewer rat’s morality. Everything the lying sack of shit did served his own diseased morality. Obama was not the first such president, but he is the scurviest priest to ever become president. That is saying a mouthful when you put him up against Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and LBJ.

Every dirty little moralist with a public voice is a frustrated priest whether they are in politics or in show biz. Teachers speak with a collective voice, but every one of them is a filthy moralist. The two biggest myths in American politics teaches children that the president, and the federal government, serve all Americans. Clearly, that has not been true for a long time.

Tax dollar teachers should be restricted to teaching the Three R’s. No teacher should be allowed to teach their ideas, their morality, or anything except the three R’s.

In addition to the other myths, convincing any number of individuals to accept a religion’s hierarchy’s morality as superior to their own has always been organized religion’s most successful myth. Once acceptance takes root, the cost of morality, paid in dollars to the hierarchy, goes higher and higher as more and more evil must be faced and defeated. Ergo, priests running every traditional religion take theirs off the top.

Organized religion does not prevent evil, it simply takes credit for what is good.

Socialism’s economic moralists use the same sales pitch used by Supreme Deity priests —— with the same result. The monetary cost of both rises in relation to the amount of poverty that must be stamped out by conscience-stricken clerics controlling the government.

Socialism does not prevent poverty, it simply takes credit for creating wealth. (The Parasite Class would rather be dead than fund their morality with their own money.)

Every politician looks for votes from acolytes from this or that religion. Holding the line on the First Amendment, which is the foundation for a separation of church and state, used to work fairly well —— until presidents began to behave like morality guidance counselors. Not a one of them ever explained ‘My morality. Not yours.’

Devote a little time to analyzing the rational behind the doctrine of Separation of Church and State if you doubt me.

Parasites of every stripe will pretend loyalty to any form of government that puts them on the payroll —— any payroll. Hitler, dictatorships, democracy, Soviets or Chicoms. It matters not to the Socialist mindset so long as they live well on tax dollars until they are in a position to forcibly impose their religion’s economic morality on everyone who opposes them. After all opposition has been stood against the wall, only the Communist priesthood will be allowed to accumulate wealth.

I do not harbor a hope that Congress will finally realize that funding morality of any kind places religion over government.

Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. The trick is to limit government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom dies.

That simple truth should be enough to invoke the First Amendment; consequently, stop funding one group’s morality over all others.

Forcing Americans to fund the tax collector’s morality is neither moral, nor does it respect the Rights of others.

In the past a great number of people acted as government tax collectors; manufacturers, owners of retail stores, landlords, and so on. None of those tax collectors are priests any more than ushers passing the plate in a church are priests. The ordained priests in our government accomplished the one thing that no priesthood throughout history ever accomplished. Enforce taxation on non-believers in order to impel a specific morality.

To Democrats, scare tactics combined with their interpretation of the moral high ground is a sure thing. The moral high ground by itself often fails to convince the public that tax dollars are required to fix this, that, or whatever it is Democrats are fixing. Claiming the moral high ground never fails when it is married to a scare tactic. The result is that big government insiders get fat on tax dollars —— leaving the country buried under another piece of totalitarian Socialist morality.

Presidents can and should be hanged for treason. As far as I know, the Roman Catholic Church does not hang popes for their little indiscretions. Maybe that is why Obama sold himself as a spiritual leader. After all, how can you hang a guy for his morality? Americans better stop thinking about their presidents the same way Roman Catholics think about their popes —— loved by one and all.

No president can speak for every American’s morality. Giving any president the authority to make moral decisions for every American is no different than giving a Catholic, a Jew, a Buddhist, or a Moonie the same authority.

Incidentally, Americans elect presidents not popes. If anybody in government wants to preach morality let them don a collar and mount a pulpit.

In fact, a vast majority of the people in the world do not give a flying f--- for presidents or popes. Yet somehow unctuous religious fanatics are certain that their leader being universally loved will have everyone else rushing to convert to whatever ideology they promote.

And have you noticed that only living Roman Catholic popes, and living American presidents, run the universal love con. You can stretch it a bit and include Boo’s guy, the Dalai Lama.

Parenthetically, conquerors never expected to be loved. They settled for executing anyone who criticized them. Love at the end of a rope worked pretty well because there were not too many people running around calling Genghis Kahn or Julius Caesar a douche bag.

And when was it decided that the American president had to be a spiritual leader rather than simply being a straightforward political leader? And who made that decision? Speaking for myself, when I feel the need to kiss a ring I will hop on a plane to Rome, or pay a visit to the local Bible-thumper.

Beware of moral clarity formulated by politicians, or by frustrated priests posing as politicians. There is no easier way for such people to do political mischief.

Do you remember moral clarity? That gem came from Bush the Younger. I objected at the time because I was certain my morality was a helluva lot better than the morality thieves, liars, drunks, and perverts in government practice.

I would also like to know how and when the moral clarity con job became official U.S. policy? I am not certain if it was Democrats who were responsible for the transformation, or if it Establishment Republicans did it for reasons I am too dense to comprehend. No matter who gets the credit, moral clarity should be laid to rest alongside moral imperative, a thousand points of light, and the New World Order.

NOTE: Moral clarity was an update on “moral imperative.” That one came from Bush the Elder.

November 05, 2006
Fulfilling the American Dream
Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton was always hung up on telling the American people what they believe. In 2006, and since then, she told the rest of us that a return to the middle-class morality of her youth is her party’s goal? That was a lot to swallow coming from any Democrat since their party is determined to destroy all morality except the tax collector’s. Infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, population controls, and same sex marriage can hardly be called middle-class morality.

Hillary’s usage was untrue in both cases.

middle class (noun)

The members of society occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower working classes and the wealthy.

middle-class (adjective)

of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the middle class; bourgeois: middle-class taste; middle-class morality

Finally, if I get a choice between the lions and dirty little moralists I am cheering for the lions.

Why the hell would I care about Hillary Clinton's position? Is she in office? Is she running for office?

Why are all you Trumpsexuals so hung up on Hillary, exactly? Is it that Uppity Woman Syndrome y'all got?
Why is it Trumpkins can't post a meaningful quote or two from an article and then add a summary, who in the hell wants to read thru a sophomoric heavily opinionated dissertation from a right wing blogger
To Jerome: I cannot speak for anyone else, but I love rubbing Democrat noses in Hillary’s shit. The longer she is on the political scene the higher her pile of excrement grows. The best part is that Democrat voters pray she would just go away so the country can forget her.

So, you have no interest in any constructive political debate whatsoever? It's all about "own the libs" to you?

I remember when I was a kid and they called the GOP the party of grown-ups. Seems like the baby boomers have really shit all over that, and made it simply the party of Klansmen and sexually frustrated white men who are frightened of minorities and women. ESPECIALLY women. If they don't get your dick wet, what good are they, amirite?