More Bush Related Deaths


JPP Modarater

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A roadside bombing has killed three U.S. soldiers in northern Iraq, bringing the number of American troop deaths this week in the country to seven.

Iraqis check out cars damaged by a bomb that killed three Iraqis on Wednesday in Baghdad.

The latest deaths occurred late Tuesday in Nineveh province, where fighting has raged for days as U.S. and Iraqi soldiers step up their operations against al Qaeda in Iraq.

Three Multi-National Division-North soldiers and an interpreter were killed in the roadside bombing.

Earlier Tuesday, two soldiers were killed in a blast that rocked a municipal building in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood. Two employees from the Defense and State departments also were slain.

Yeah. This is surge is really working out well for us. Only 7 deaths this week as opposed to 100,000,000.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A roadside bombing has killed three U.S. soldiers in northern Iraq, bringing the number of American troop deaths this week in the country to seven.

Iraqis check out cars damaged by a bomb that killed three Iraqis on Wednesday in Baghdad.

The latest deaths occurred late Tuesday in Nineveh province, where fighting has raged for days as U.S. and Iraqi soldiers step up their operations against al Qaeda in Iraq.

Three Multi-National Division-North soldiers and an interpreter were killed in the roadside bombing.

Earlier Tuesday, two soldiers were killed in a blast that rocked a municipal building in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood. Two employees from the Defense and State departments also were slain.

Yeah. This is surge is really working out well for us. Only 7 deaths this week as opposed to 100,000,000.

Stop bashing bush!

And if you are going to do it, make sure to mention Chappaquidick for God's sake!
I don't know how this dude can sleep at night. I don't get the psychology that allows someone to do this, and still tapdance on the steps of the White House; it's a weird combination of ego, arrogance, stupidity, entitlement...who knows what else.

I wonder what it would be like to think like Bush for a few minutes; I doubt I'd even recognize it as being human.
I don't know how this dude can sleep at night. I don't get the psychology that allows someone to do this, and still tapdance on the steps of the White House; it's a weird combination of ego, arrogance, stupidity, entitlement...who knows what else.

I wonder what it would be like to think like Bush for a few minutes; I doubt I'd even recognize it as being human

Pretty much like you are now but take away logic, reason, and compassion.