More Christofascist Mayhem

DENVER -- Focus on the Family Action has pulled a video from its Web site that had asked people to pray for "rain of biblical proportions" during Sen. Barack Obama's acceptance speech at Invesco Field on Aug. 28.

I must admit. I am hoping for rain right about the time Obama starts to speak. Just as a bit of cosmic payback for his decision to have his speech outdoors in the home of the most pathetic excuse for a football team this side of the Raiders.
Plus I want to see the mass confusion created as they all try to run for shelter or get back to the Pepsi Center. Which happens to be over a half mile away. Too short to drive, too long to walk (in the rain that is). Not enough shelter for everyone in ponyland stadium. Not enough room in the Pepsi Center for everyone. Mass taffic jams.

Would look super duper for the Dems should it occur.

Plus I want to see the mass confusion created as they all try to run for shelter or get back to the Pepsi Center. Which happens to be over a half mile away. Too short to drive, too long to walk (in the rain that is). Not enough shelter for everyone in ponyland stadium. Not enough room in the Pepsi Center for everyone. Mass taffic jams.

Would look super duper for the Dems should it occur.


Classy. Real Classy.
I'm hoping that McCain gets hit by a serious bout of PTSD when he starts his acceptance speech. I hope he starts to ramble about the plane going down and the bamboo cages and how hot the sun is. That would be really cool too.
Reminds me of Pat Robertson's "Operation Supreme Court," where they were basically praying for justices to die...
Have you seen the "Mini-GITMO" that the Democratic Administration in Denver has built in order to "house" the "protesters" who are arrested?

When did the word 'protester' and 'criminal' become synonymous in the Liberal Dictionary?

Praying for rain is very mild, there are more serious issues that people should pay attention to. I mean, I heard that there is a Native American group who will perform the Rain Dance just before the Speech.