More Corporate Perversion

Kamala Trump

Verified User
This is wack.
You see, there is no longer any need to enslave the human race with whips and chains. Now, corporations have figured out how to accomplish the same thing by creating a web of virtual rules (patent laws) that don't really exist in the real world, but can still enslave the population if the People are foolish enough to agree to honor those virtual rules. If the People of the world agree to play the patent game, they are playing right into the hands of the corporations that only seek to exploit and enslave them.

How corporations intend to enslave the human race
In the future being created by these corporations, you will not only have to pay money to reproduce, you'll also have to pay to grow crops, to fertilize those crops, and to harvest those crops. And once that season is gone, you'll have to pay all over again to buy seeds and pesticides for the next season. Forget about saving seeds or self reliance. The wealthy corporations of the world want the entire population to be dependent on them for food, medicine and even human reproduction. There is no human action that cannot be exploited by corporations for intellectual property claims.

The road to totalitarian enslavement is paved with patents...

If we continue to allow corporations to claim ownership over our money, our medicines, our seeds, plants and genes, then make no mistake about the outcome: We will all end up as worker slaves in an elitist plutocracy run by corporations. Some say we're close to that already. Just look at how effectively corporate interests now control the U.S. Congress, for example. There's hardly a law passed today that doesn't have the backing of a profit-minded corporation.

What's infuriating about the patents currently being awarded to corporations is that most of the things being patented were invented by Mother Nature! Arrogant Man, of course, comes along and claims that he "invented" these things by merely discovering them. It's like walking through a forest, finding a beautiful waterfall, and proclaiming, "I invented this waterfall!" That's what the U.S. patent office allows corporations to do right now with animals, genes, seeds and medicines. The human genome, for example, wasn't "invented" by scientists; it was merely mapped by scientists. It was invented by Mother Nature or God, depending on your particular spiritual or religious beliefs. By what arrogance should Man grant other men patents on the human genome?

Stealing from the poor to pay the rich Distorted in this way, the patent process followed in the United States is a system whereby the wealthy steal resources from the poor. Instead of a seed belonging to everyone (i.e. "community property"), ownership of that seed is now granted to one entity (a corporation) which can then charge the People for using it. This sort of patenting is nothing more than a fabricated system of ownership that funnels wealth from the hands of the many to the pockets of the few.

No wonder U.S. corporations so strongly favor the U.S. patent system. It is the legal machine by which corporations can strong-arm the masses, stealing not only their present resources but also their future wealth, effectively criminalizing farmers and peasants for daring to plant the same seeds they've planted for generations.

It is not surprising, then, that this system of patent protection was invented by power-hungry white men. It is the greedy white men who have invaded the world, committed genocide against the American Indians, wiped out ancient civilizations in South America, enslaved Southeast Asia, drugged the Chinese with Opium, colonized India, annexed Hawaii and subjugated defenseless populations all over the world. Can you guess where it all points back to? The British Empire, of course. No single empire has done more to decimate the cultures, religions and populations of this world than the British Empire. And today, the American Empire borrows its own brand of tyranny and imperialism from the historical actions of the British Empire. (America has created the very same tyranny and cruelty it sought to escape hundreds of years ago...)

Today, these two English-speaking nations (the U.K. and America) continue to invade the world with their junk foods, pharmaceuticals, soda pop, medical systems and exploitive intellectual property laws. The pushing of patents and intellectual property law onto third world nations amounts to a kind of intellectual imperialism And every nation that embraces Western culture finds itself, usually within one generation, diseased, bankrupt and destitute. Its monies have been stolen and exchanged for endless debt to the International Monetary Fund. Its crops have been replaced with seeds patented by Monsanto. Its cultural foods have been replaced with Western processed junk foods, and its People have been feed lies and propaganda about the "superiority" of Western banking, Western medicine, Western capitalism and Western culture.

This is how we wind up with doctors in China denouncing their own Chinese Medicine, or working people in South America giving up eating quinoa and starting to eat fast food hamburgers. The ultimate outcome for these people is not in doubt: Within a few years, they will find themselves diseased and bankrupt, with their natural resources exploited, their crops genetically contaminated and their futures mortgaged to corporations that rule the world.

I'm not sure exactly how corporations and patents will play a role in the destruction of Western civilizations. It could be that genetic pollution of our primary food crops causes runaway genetic contamination of corn, wheat and soy, followed by a blight that collapses the food supply (wheat supplies are already down to a 10-week supply for the entire world). Or it could be that financial disaster strikes first, collapsing the fractional-reserve financial institutions and worthless paper currencies that somehow still manage to move the economic machinery of modern society. There are a hundred different reasons why our current systems of consumption, pollution and economics are simply not sustainable -- and it's anyone's guess which one is going to reach the point of implosion first.

How we protect our futures and stop the tyranny of intellectual property claims over seeds, genes and medicines
After Western society collapses (which will happen in our lifetimes, most likely, given the food bubble, oil bubble, financial bubble, massive chemical contamination, etc.), we will all have an opportunity to rebuild a new society based on new rules. When this opportunity arises, it is crucial that we radically reform intellectual property laws that deny the corporations the ability to steal our futures by claiming ownership over genes, seeds and medicines. These things in particular must be protected as being non-patentable so that the People of the world are never driven into povery by corporate claims over basic life necessities like food and medicine.

Much of the Western capitalism model must be thrown out, actually. It is a model that only subsists on the non-stop exploitation of natural resources and human beings. It is a model where everything is disposable, where the next fiscal quarter is more important than the next generation, and where ethics and integrity have absolutely no role. Any nation that trains its future on this model of mass exploitation ultimately has no future.

That's why I support the immediate cancellation of all patents on life forms, genes, seeds and medicines. Those who ask, "But what is the incentive for people to create new medicines?" That's an example of limited Western thinking. Greed is not the sole motivator for innovation. Individuals, universities and governments can create new medicines for the benefit of all people. Besides, Nature has already invented nearly all the medicines we really need. All we need to do is propagate those medicines through the mindful planting and harvesting of medicinal plants.

And if you really think only drug companies can come up with new medicines, then ask yourself this question: Why are 80% of all the "new" medicines invented by Big Pharma just "me-too" drugs that work no better than the older drugs with patents that are about to expire? Clearly, the motivation in Big Pharma today is not to create medicines for the benefit of mankind, but to create medicines for the benefit of corporate shareholders. Drug companies as operated today have no useful role in the future of society. We'd all be better off without them.

It's time to end the "ownership" of genes, seeds and medicines. These belong to the People. I urge everyone reading this to take part in the movement to end greed-based intellectual property rights and help return our future to our children. And someone please yank the corporate charter out from under Monsanto so we can shut down that evil monstrosity that has already plundered our world's resources and stolen so much from future generations.
Think about it.

"A coporation is an externalising machine in the same way that a shark is a killing machine" - Robert Monks - Corporate governance advisor

"The pressure is on the corporation to deliver results now and to externalise any costs that this unwary or uncaring public will allow it to externalise" Ray Anderson - CEO Interface, (commercial carpet manufacturer)

Costs are being externalised at such a rate, that the entire planet is now suffering. All aspects of the biosphere are in decline from pollution and the extraction of natural resources.

Often, a corporation is eager to externalise a cost, but is faced with the possibility of breaking a law. But at the end of the day, this is simply seen as another cost-analysis study, with potential profits compared to a potential fine (if caught). It is nearly always the corporation which is penalised, and not the individuals involved. Corporations are some of the worst criminals in the world, as documented by the Multinational Monitor magazine.

"Again and again we have the problem of whether you obey the law or not is a matter of whether it 's cost effective. If the chance of getting caught and the penalty are less than the cost to comply, our people just think of it as being a business decision." - Robert Monks - Corporate governance advisor

Furthermore, corporations are always keen to remove legislation that limits their freedom. And they have been very effective at removing laws which they do not approve of through lobbying, political funding and sophisticated public relations campaigns. This involves staggering amounts of money and provides corporations with a disproportionate influence over the political system. This deregulation is based on corporations self-regulating themselves when it comes to respecting the environment or social rights. Yet corporations are unable to regulate themselves - an institutional psychopath being allowed to govern itself?


If the corporation is legally a person then that person is a psychopath:

Callous unconcern for the feelings for others
Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
Reckless disregard for the safety of others
Deceitfulness: repeated lying and conning others for profit
Incapacity to experience guilt
Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours
Even though a corporation is a psychopath, they have the same rights as an individual. Indeed, a corporation has MORE rights than an individual. With the rise of the World Trade Organisation (and other similar international bodies such as UPOV and WIPO), corporations now have the right to set themselves up in any country at any time, and then to leave again at any time - and national governments or individuals cannot stop them from their inalienable right to be a part of the global free market economy.

Yet, interestingly, it is not the employees or the shareholders who are psychopaths - these are 'normal ' people who have a family, friends, give to charity and may even feel that are doing something positive for society. But at the same time shareholders and employees do not have the power to make big changes in a corporation - not even the chief executive:

"[As a] CEO, ... even though the perception is that you have absolute power, the reality is that you don 't have that power" Sam Gibara - Chairman and former CEO of Goodyear Tire

Legally, employees (such as the Chief Executive) are not allowed to divert funds away from shareholders to pay workers more money or reduce their impact on the environment, unless it means that ultimately shareholders will benefit from more money.

Although it can be argued that it is best not to be an employee or an investor in a corporation, sometimes this decision is very difficult to avoid (e.g. workers in a sweat shop, pension investments, etc...). So the problem is not so much in the individuals who make up the corporation, but the laws that created and now enshrine the corporation.
It's all happening. And because corporations are either more powerful than governments or are able to own governments, they can do what they bloody well like.
There is the fate we make for ourselves.
And most of us have contributed to this fate.
AHZ you still buy Chinese stuff don't ya ?

Once anything passes a certain point it pretty much becomes fate. Get out of the way, resist and be smashed or go with the flow seems to be the only options available once things pass the PNR.
I really tried for awhile not to, but it is durn near impossible these days.
I really tried for awhile not to, but it is durn near impossible these days.

Yep we are all guilty and it is pretty impossible not to buy chinese stuff at this point.
AHZ just refuses to admit any guilt in the global economy stuff at all.

To him it is all someone elses fault and they need to fix it.
Yep we are all guilty and it is pretty impossible not to buy chinese stuff at this point.
AHZ just refuses to admit any guilt in the global economy stuff at all.

To him it is all someone elses fault and they need to fix it.

Stooge. Throughout our history protectionist tactics have been implemented at a national policy level. It should continue in this fashion.

This was fine when it came to ivory, and apartheid s. africa.

Uscitizen prefers to blame the victim.
It all can be undone. There is no fate.

I'm not into determinism either. I like the free will thing. But undoing this coagulated mess is going to be very difficult. I mean, I hate to bring it up but if I tried to put forward a Marxist analysis of the crap that's happening I'm sure I'd see torches and pitchforks in my arse. All that false consciousness would run me out of town on a rail.
Stooge. Throughout our history protectionist tactics have been implemented at a national policy level. It should continue in this fashion.

This was fine when it came to ivory, and apartheid s. africa.

Uscitizen prefers to blame the victim.

Mississippi needs to protect it's economy from Alabama, and Gulfport needs to protect it's economy from Biloxi. Fair competition is unfair.
Mississippi needs to protect it's economy from Alabama, and Gulfport needs to protect it's economy from Biloxi. Fair competition is unfair.

I wouldn't say that. The cost of living is not so radically different between the two as to render competition impossible, nor does one or the other practice slave labor or other form of immorality as to render competition impossible. I understand you think you're clever, but you're actually a rancid douchesack.
I wouldn't say that. The cost of living is not so radically different between the two as to render competition impossible, nor does one or the other practice slave labor or other form of immorality as to render competition impossible. I understand you think you're clever, but you're actually a rancid douchesack.

I don't really think cost of living differences matter that much.
Maybe to an idiot that doesn't understand economics, but oh, I forget who I'm talking to, don't I?

If one lives in a nation where the cost of living is staggeringly high, accepting a low COMPETITIVE WAGE is not really a possibility. What about that don't you understand? It's pretty simple.