More Criminal Intent Uncovered by Congress In The Top Of America's Government


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Yesterday, we found out from a witness in the Congressional hearing on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails when he admitted destroying 2 of Hillary Clinton’s blackberries with a hammer. While he says all information on those blackberries was transferred to a new devise before the blackberries were hammered to death. The blackberries were in fact not the property of Hillary Clinton because she is well known to have transmitted and received classified government materials on them, they, by that fact alone means the blackberries actually were the property of the federal government and the destruction of them is a felony.

Further information from the witness revealed that He and approximately 20 other people had access to Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail system and private server. The witness admitted he did not have any security clearances and it’s easy for me to opine that neither did any of the other around 20 other people who had access.

All of this of course is just more evidence and proof of, for any and all honest Americans, of the incompetence and or criminal intent of Hillary Clinton and her careless and obnoxious handling of America’s classified materials. It’s also evidence of the incompetence and or corruption of the FBI, its Director Tomey and the criminal willful ignorance of Obama’s Justuce Department and its Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Yesterday, we found out from a witness in the Congressional hearing on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails when he admitted destroying 2 of Hillary Clinton’s blackberries with a hammer. While he says all information on those blackberries was transferred to a new devise before the blackberries were hammered to death. The blackberries were in fact not the property of Hillary Clinton because she is well known to have transmitted and received classified government materials on them, they, by that fact alone means the blackberries actually were the property of the federal government and the destruction of them is a felony.

Further information from the witness revealed that He and approximately 20 other people had access to Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail system and private server. The witness admitted he did not have any security clearances and it’s easy for me to opine that neither did any of the other around 20 other people who had access.

All of this of course is just more evidence and proof of, for any and all honest Americans, of the incompetence and or criminal intent of Hillary Clinton and her careless and obnoxious handling of America’s classified materials. It’s also evidence of the incompetence and or corruption of the FBI, its Director Tomey and the criminal willful ignorance of Obama’s Justuce Department and its Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

.....And, the end-result was ZERO!!

When it comes to incompetence and or criminal intent.....we'll match body-counts, with you, any day of the week!!!!!

And, the end-result was When it comes to incompetence and or criminal intent.we'll match body counts, with you, any day of the week

Well genus, since I'm not a brainwashed duopoly partisan like you, just exactly what shall you attribute to me to be matched with your darling of disaster, the Benghazi Bitch, Madam Hillary the slut that voted for George W. Bush's unconstitutional Iraq war?:dunno::rofl2::cof1: