More of God's Anger


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Why are you people being stiff necked and refusing repent of the sins of abomination for which God is now bring down in catastrophic judgment in the form of Noah like floods, record breaking tornado outbreaks, more and more severe storms and monumental hail stores.. What is wrong with your reasoning?

In this case I really don’t want to be always correct, but the figures don’t lie. Listen to what I have predicted.

In the way of catastrophic flooding every time I say it will get worse; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say there will be more school shootings and shootings of others it will just keep getting worse; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say the tornadoes will get bigger and more widespread; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say there will be disease outbreaks; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say the hail will get bigger and more frequent; IT ACTUASLLY DOES!

Why do I see it and you people don’t?

Maybe it is because I have read the entire Bible twice and know how God reacts and deals with evil. He will not tolerate evil and will finally deal completely with it even if it means the death of many people.

God is not finished with this nation and if it doesn’t repent He will completely destroy it. I am not kidding. This is deadly serious and if you want these horrific events to end, you must repent before a Holy and Righteous God, a God who can destroy both body and soul and you do not want to fall into the hands of such an angry God. I know many are praying very hard about the decline of this nation, but prayer without action is like faith without works which accomplishes nothing. We must get involved in this ongoing fight between good and evil

God will not completely destroy the faithful here and will put a hedge of protection around them so the evil will come near but will not harm thee or He will take the people home to be with Him forever. So the true believer wins one way or another for God is faithful to His Word and those who truly love and serve Him.
I know many are praying very hard about the decline of this nation, but prayer without action is like faith without works which accomplishes nothing. We must get involved in this ongoing fight between good and evil
I notice the decline -we all do.
Congress are literal do nothings ( except investigations) and the electorate are jerked around by da media.
But I would think God would leave it up to us. a miraculous political intervention isn't His style.

You have to flush out all the Congress critters to start. from institutional constipation
I notice the decline -we all do.
Congress are literal do nothings ( except investigations) and the electorate are jerked around by da media.
But I would think God would leave it up to us. a miraculous political intervention isn't His style.

You have to flush out all the Congress critters to start. from institutional constipation

Why are you people being stiff necked and refusing repent of the sins of abomination for which God is now bring down in catastrophic judgment in the form of Noah like floods, record breaking tornado outbreaks, more and more severe storms and monumental hail stores.. What is wrong with your reasoning?

In this case I really don’t want to be always correct, but the figures don’t lie. Listen to what I have predicted.

In the way of catastrophic flooding every time I say it will get worse; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say there will be more school shootings and shootings of others it will just keep getting worse; IT ACTUALLY DOES!
Of course, despite all that, the homicide rate is just about the lowest of the last 50 years.
Every time I say the tornadoes will get bigger and more widespread; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say there will be disease outbreaks; IT ACTUALLY DOES!

Every time I say the hail will get bigger and more frequent; IT ACTUASLLY DOES!

Why do I see it and you people don’t?

Maybe it is because I have read the entire Bible twice and know how God reacts and deals with evil. He will not tolerate evil and will finally deal completely with it even if it means the death of many people.

God is not finished with this nation and if it doesn’t repent He will completely destroy it. I am not kidding. This is deadly serious and if you want these horrific events to end, you must repent before a Holy and Righteous God, a God who can destroy both body and soul and you do not want to fall into the hands of such an angry God. I know many are praying very hard about the decline of this nation, but prayer without action is like faith without works which accomplishes nothing. We must get involved in this ongoing fight between good and evil

God will not completely destroy the faithful here and will put a hedge of protection around them so the evil will come near but will not harm thee or He will take the people home to be with Him forever. So the true believer wins one way or another for God is faithful to His Word and those who truly love and serve Him.

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