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FCC cracks down on 'fake news'
Owners of 77 TV stations queried on paid video stories

Tuesday, August 15, 2006; Posted: 10:51 p.m. EDT (02:51 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Communications Commission has mailed letters to the owners of 77 television stations inquiring about their use of video news releases, a type of programming critics refer to as "fake news."

Video news releases are packaged news stories that usually employ actors to portray reporters who are paid by commercial or government groups.

The letters were sparked by allegations that television stations have been airing the videos as part of their news programs without telling viewers who paid for them.

FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein said Tuesday the letters ask station managers for information regarding agreements between the stations and the creators of the news releases. The FCC also asked whether there was any "consideration" given to the stations in return for airing the material.

"You can't tell any more the difference between what's propaganda and what's news," Adelstein said.
I can tell the difference between the actors and reporters. I cannot tell the difference between posed photos and real, unless I get lucky with multiple versions. That is where the blogs have shined. I don't have the time to say to myself, "Gee, that looks familiar..." I might thing it, then turn the page.
I read this the other day and just felt so safe about how we get our information to vote.

Makes you all warm and fuzzy dont it?
I watch BBC and PBS for news. I have given up on the mainstream media for news. It is all just entertainment.
I also thought it was funny that Dan Rathers replacement said she would not go to the middle east because it was dangerous. She sounds like a bushie to me :)