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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Clinton Campaign: A "Pattern" of Obama Borrowing [Byron York]

Top Clinton campaign officials Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson are holding another conference call with reporters now. Wolfson is pointing to a "pattern" of alleged plagiarism by Barack Obama, suggesting that reporters look at a blog entry by ABC's Jake Tapper which suggests another example of Obama lifting material from Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. In that blog entry, Tapper points to a statement from Obama quoted in USA Today in 2007: "I am not asking anyone to take a chance on me. I am asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations." Tapper then quotes Patrick, speaking to the 2006 Massachusetts Democratic convention, saying, "I am not asking anybody to take a chance on me. I am asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations."

"We are seeing a pattern here," Wolfson told reporters a short time ago. "And here is another example of where the words match exactly."

02/19 12:42 PM

Looks like they ain't giving this one up...
It's hilarious to see these Dems niggling away at little irrelevancies. They can't criticize each other on substance, since both of them are offering basically identical platforms. So they have to dredge up the tiniest so-called "offenses" to pretend the other has done something wrong, and do their best of get people to think they are somehow worth paying attention to.

Obama is wise to not go on offense here. If he did, he'd have to pick on just as small and pointless things as Hillary is, and he'd wind up looking just as desperate and lame. Why should he work hard at making Hillary look bad, when she's doing such a good job all by herself?
It's hilarious to see these Dems niggling away at little irrelevancies. They can't criticize each other on substance, since both of them are offering basically identical platforms. So they have to dredge up the tiniest so-called "offenses" to pretend the other has done something wrong, and do their best of get people to think they are somehow worth paying attention to.

Obama is wise to not go on offense here. If he did, he'd have to pick on just as small and pointless things as Hillary is, and he'd wind up looking just as desperate and lame. Why should he work hard at making Hillary look bad, when she's doing such a good job all by herself?

Haha yeah it's so true! And from what I understand the guy Obama was quoting from gave him permission to do so privately so as long as he has permission than it's cool and not plagiarism however it would've been better if he quoted him. Also the question to ask: was the speech copywritten? If it wasn't than it's something that shouldn't even be discussed.
Of course there is a pattern of plagiarism-- anyone who talks about hope and change without ever saying the all-important how is an Obama plagiarist.