More on Stem Cell Research

That's very interesting indeed. I'm not sure exactly how they would implement it though.

"The stem cells found in fat are known as multipotent stem cells. They can produce a variety of cell and tissue types, but are not as flexible as embryonic stem cells."

Just incase you were going to point out that they didn't need embryonic stemcells for this.
tianabautre said:

WASHINGTON - Stem cells taken from human fat can be transformed into smooth muscle cells, offering a way to treat many kinds of heart disease, gastrointestinal and bladder ills, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.

I'm with bush.

I'm only interested in pursuing this if it can cure sclerosis of the liver. You see, I have a little problem with the bottle.

just kidding.
LOL. :clink:

Seriously though these fundies are an enigma (actually they are just hypocrites, I was being nice). I wonder if these same idiots that are opposed to using discarded embryos will use the treatments that will come about from this research?