More Proof For The Leftist Scam


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America is experiencing record low temperatures again. The north east is again blanketed under several more inches of ”GLOBAL WARMING.”

Oh yeah!!! That’s right, I forgot. It was only Global Warming until the truth leaked out that the globe had actually been cooling a tidbit over the last 15 years, huh? So when the commie left saw that leakage smeared egg all over their lying ass faces, they changed the identifying label of catastrophic, man-made weather conditions from Global Warming to ”CLIMAT CHANGE.” That way the lying bastards can use every weather change event, (hot or cold), as proof for their fucking anti-capitalist, pro-environmentalist scam.

Chris Christie believes in Global Warming.
dear fucking idiot,

you cant understand science.

So you double down on stupid.

don't expect thinking humans to join your idiocy
America is experiencing record low temperatures again. The north east is again blanketed under several more inches of ”GLOBAL WARMING.”

Oh yeah!!! That’s right, I forgot. It was only Global Warming until the truth leaked out that the globe had actually been cooling a tidbit over the last 15 years, huh? So when the commie left saw that leakage smeared egg all over their lying ass faces, they changed the identifying label of catastrophic, man-made weather conditions from Global Warming to ”CLIMAT CHANGE.” That way the lying bastards can use every weather change event, (hot or cold), as proof for their fucking anti-capitalist, pro-environmentalist scam.

Chris Christie believes in Global Warming.

Silly CL; this is just "weather", they are talking about "climate". At least that's how they frame their argument.

There is a difference; the question is, will this weather trend equate to a climate adjustment?

But yes, anthromorphic climate change is a vast hoax being foist upon the gullible dunces of the world.
Something effected your Daddy's sperm. Your brain ran down Daddy's leg, or Mommy's can you remember which?

Remember; never argue with an idiot, SHE will just try to drag you down to HER level, then beat you with experience. It's best just to point at HER, and laugh.