More record profits...

HaHa, stock is getting hammered though. Dude next to me in the office owns a bunch of Exxon because hisDad works there and he is all pissed off this morning. It's never funny when people lose money but some dudes are still really funny. This guy is one of him. Just sitting in his cube cussing up a storm. Hilarious!
He should have bought VLO.
A higher % than wally world I think.
you would think wrong, Wal Marts 4th quarter profits for 2007 were 9.8% wow I guess you WERE right a total of two tenths less. I think what you all should do is just admit that you HATE the oil companies and that you think they should work for us for free, make our gas, sell it to us at cost and don't bitch about it. Because 10% profits are NORMAL for alot of industies. YOu have just decided that Oil is evil because you have to deal with it more directly than other businesses.
And if you go here you can read about Wal Mart's Q 3 profits in which they state that they will have their first ever 100 BILLION dollar quarter top of the page page 4.
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More people shoppling at wal mart vs the mall stores and such in these times.

I told yall months ago that wally world would survive the recession.
Virtually everything will look different next quarter. Perhaps the worst holiday shopping season in 20 years or so.

I orderd hams and turkeys for my employees today for Thanksgiving.