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Recreational assault weapons fire riddles Ohio home, narrowly misses officer

Two men were arrested in Ohio on Wednesday after their target practice with an AK-47 assault rifle accidentally shot up a woman’s home and nearly hit a officer who was responding to reports of gunfire.

Mary Kuruc told WEWS that her daughter discovered a bullet hole in the siding of their Montville Township home and other holes inside the house. After calling 911, Montville Police Sgt. Matt Neil began investigating and the home was hit again.

“We noticed a second bullet hole, followed the trajectory of it and noticed the bullet landed in the microwave,” Kuruc recalled.

Neil found himself in the line of fire as he tried to track down where the bullets were coming from.

“When I get about a half mile back in the field up on a hill, gunfire started again, and started hearing rounds go over my head,” the officer explained.

Neil called for backup and police discovered two men who thought they were safely shooting at paper targets, but the bullets were skipping off the ground and riddling the suburban neighborhood.

“They were drinking alcohol, they had some drugs on them and they were just outside, in their backyard shooting paper targets,” Neil said. “They felt because they were shooting at a downward angle, that it would have been OK.”

Police suspect that “dozens” of shots were fired and have asked other residents to come forward if their homes were hit.

Two men, 53-year-old Mark Bornino and 45-year-old R. Daniel Volpone, were arrested and are facing felony charges. Police seized an AK-47 with two high-capacity magazines, three handguns, over 700 rounds of ammunition and some marijuana.

Raw Story (
Recreational assault weapons fire riddles Ohio home, narrowly misses officer

Two men were arrested in Ohio on Wednesday after their target practice with an AK-47 assault rifle accidentally shot up a woman’s home and nearly hit a officer who was responding to reports of gunfire.

Mary Kuruc told WEWS that her daughter discovered a bullet hole in the siding of their Montville Township home and other holes inside the house. After calling 911, Montville Police Sgt. Matt Neil began investigating and the home was hit again.

“We noticed a second bullet hole, followed the trajectory of it and noticed the bullet landed in the microwave,” Kuruc recalled.

Neil found himself in the line of fire as he tried to track down where the bullets were coming from.

“When I get about a half mile back in the field up on a hill, gunfire started again, and started hearing rounds go over my head,” the officer explained.

Neil called for backup and police discovered two men who thought they were safely shooting at paper targets, but the bullets were skipping off the ground and riddling the suburban neighborhood.

“They were drinking alcohol, they had some drugs on them and they were just outside, in their backyard shooting paper targets,” Neil said. “They felt because they were shooting at a downward angle, that it would have been OK.”

Police suspect that “dozens” of shots were fired and have asked other residents to come forward if their homes were hit.

Two men, 53-year-old Mark Bornino and 45-year-old R. Daniel Volpone, were arrested and are facing felony charges. Police seized an AK-47 with two high-capacity magazines, three handguns, over 700 rounds of ammunition and some marijuana.

Raw Story (

Sounds like more irresponsible pot smokers to me. Depends on how you look at it.
80% of all gun crimes in the United States are committed by inner-city gangbangers warring over drug turf created by the federal government's illegal, unconstitutional War On Drugs.

The majority of gun suicides in the United States are America's veterans who have been mentally destroyed by endless tours of duty in America's unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars, instituted by America's rightist and leftist authoritarian federal politicians.

Eliminate those two facts from America's gun statistics, and America has one of the world's lower gun death statistics. Neither right or left are willing to face the real truths about gun deaths in America. They love their ignorant, insane Drug War and their stupid unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars.
80% of all gun crimes in the United States are committed by inner-city gangbangers warring over drug turf created by the federal government's illegal, unconstitutional War On Drugs.

The majority of gun suicides in the United States are America's veterans who have been mentally destroyed by endless tours of duty in America's unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars, instituted by America's rightist and leftist authoritarian federal politicians.

Eliminate those two facts from America's gun statistics, and America has one of the world's lower gun death statistics. Neither right or left are willing to face the real truths about gun deaths in America. They love their ignorant, insane Drug War and their stupid unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars.

Link? proof? Anything other than your opinion?
Poor Bobo.
I would like to hear the rationalization for the title of this thread given the circumstances of the crimes described . . .

It seems any respect for "truth" and any semblance of "intellectual honesty" are the first things to die in the mind of a "responsible" JPP anti-gunner . . .
Yvonne Nelson, an innocent 49-year-old, was shot in the chest after walking out of a coffee shop Friday around 3:30 p.m., according to police.

The Office of Emergency Management and Communications said Friday evening that Nelson was “a dedicated and hardworking employee.”

“She was ours and didn’t deserve to be killed just leaving a job where she tries to help the people,” Louis Shuttlesworth said.

Social media posters expressed their frustration at the senseless violence.

1,284 people had been shot in the city from the beginning of the year to May 20.
Yvonne Nelson, an innocent 49-year-old, was shot in the chest after walking out of a coffee shop Friday around 3:30 p.m., according to police.

The Office of Emergency Management and Communications said Friday evening that Nelson was “a dedicated and hardworking employee.”

“She was ours and didn’t deserve to be killed just leaving a job where she tries to help the people,” Louis Shuttlesworth said.

Social media posters expressed their frustration at the senseless violence.

1,284 people had been shot in the city from the beginning of the year to May 20.

1,284 people have been shot in the city (Chicago) from the beginning of the year to May 20. You left out despite having stringent gun laws. So much for your support of guns laws doing what you say they'll do.
Because he knows there's not a damn thing he can do about those of us owning guns and he can't accept it.

Interesting point. Isn't strange that Troll Cohort bumped a 3 year old thread about guns when he has a dozen current threads open about guns?
I would like to hear the rationalization for the title of this thread given the circumstances of the crimes described . . .

It seems any respect for "truth" and any semblance of "intellectual honesty" are the first things to die in the mind of a "responsible" JPP anti-gunner . . .

mainly because to nearly all 'anti-gunners', a gun owner is always a irresponsible criminal two steps away from going apeshit and committing some mass mall shooting
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Recreational assault weapons fire riddles Ohio home, narrowly misses officer

Two men were arrested in Ohio on Wednesday after their target practice with an AK-47 assault rifle accidentally shot up a woman’s home and nearly hit a officer who was responding to reports of gunfire.

Mary Kuruc told WEWS that her daughter discovered a bullet hole in the siding of their Montville Township home and other holes inside the house. After calling 911, Montville Police Sgt. Matt Neil began investigating and the home was hit again.

“We noticed a second bullet hole, followed the trajectory of it and noticed the bullet landed in the microwave,” Kuruc recalled.

Neil found himself in the line of fire as he tried to track down where the bullets were coming from.

“When I get about a half mile back in the field up on a hill, gunfire started again, and started hearing rounds go over my head,” the officer explained.

Neil called for backup and police discovered two men who thought they were safely shooting at paper targets, but the bullets were skipping off the ground and riddling the suburban neighborhood.

“They were drinking alcohol, they had some drugs on them and they were just outside, in their backyard shooting paper targets,” Neil said. “They felt because they were shooting at a downward angle, that it would have been OK.”

Police suspect that “dozens” of shots were fired and have asked other residents to come forward if their homes were hit.

Two men, 53-year-old Mark Bornino and 45-year-old R. Daniel Volpone, were arrested and are facing felony charges. Police seized an AK-47 with two high-capacity magazines, three handguns, over 700 rounds of ammunition and some marijuana.

Raw Story (

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving.
1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.
Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Traveling at 55 mph, that's enough time to travel the length of a football field.
Texting while driving causes a 400% increase in time spent with eyes off the road.
Of all cell phone related tasks, texting is by far the most dangerous activity.
94% of drivers support a ban on texting while driving.
74% of drivers support a ban on hand-held cell phone use.
Teen Driver Cell Phone Statistics

11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving.
According to a AAA poll, 94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway.
21% of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents were distracted by their cell phones.
Teen drivers are 4x more likely than adults to get into car crashes or near-crashes when talking or texting on a cell phone.
A teen driver with only one additional passenger doubles the risk of getting into a fatal car accident. With two or more passengers, they are 5x as likely.