More than 900 Native American children died at U.S. boarding schools


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More than 900 Native American children died while being forced to attend Indian boarding schools, according to a new federal report that urges the U.S. government to formally apologize for the enduring trauma inflicted by its systematic effort to assimilate the children and destroy their culture.
Many of the children were buried in at least 74 marked and unmarked burial sites at 65 former schools across the country, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior report released Tuesday. The actual number of children who died and the number of potential burial sites are probably greater, the report said.

In the United States, generations of Native American children were taken from their families and sent to boarding schools hundreds of miles away to be assimilated into White society. Children were stripped of their names and instead often assigned numbers, their long hair was cut, and they were beaten for speaking their languages, leaving deep emotional scars on Native American families and communities.
Okay and so?

The way it is, Native Americans live in apartheid states (aka "reservations") where they are often left to poverty, drug abuse, lack of education, and generally a miserable life. But they have their stone age cultural values to fall back on! So they have that going for them!