Moron "Squad" Members Ignorant of the Reason for Memeorial Day


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Duo-dumbasses Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush had to scramble to delete tweets in which they used Memorial Day to demand standard leftist bullshit for veterans, clearly ignorant of the fact that Memeorial Day commemorates those who GAVE THEIR LIVES serving America., not currently living vets.

Ilhan Omar & Cori Bush forced to delete embarrassing Memorial Day post​

Two progressive 'Squad' members scrambled to delete posts about Memorial Day highlighting how little the lawmakers know about the longtime U.S. holiday. Reps. Ilhan Omar (pictured) of Minnesota and Cori Bush of Missouri both posted tributes to soldiers on X Monday but quickly worked to delete their own posts after recognizing a fatal flaw in their tweets.

Both progressives 'Squad' members used the holiday to advocate for housing and healthcare reform, demanding that veterans get the treatment they deserve. But unbeknownst to them - or at least their inept communications teams - Memorial Day celebrates the lives of fallen soldiers, not ones that are still living..
The federal holiday for veterans is, well, Veterans Day, which is observed on November 11 each year.

Duo-dumbasses Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush had to scramble to delete tweets in which they used Memorial Day to demand standard leftist bullshit for veterans, clearly ignorant of the fact that Memeorial Day commemorates those who GAVE THEIR LIVES serving America., not currently living vets.

Agreed they are idiots and, IMO, violating their oaths. Moreso with Rashida Tlaib.

Notice Draft-Dodger Don wasn't smart enough to delete his Memoria Day rant. LOL

Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.” She didn’t know when the so-called event took place - sometime in the 1990’s - never filed a police report, didn’t have to produce the “dress” that she threatened me with (it showed negative!), & sung my praises in the first half of her CNN Interview with Alison Cooper, but changed her tune in the second half - Gee, I wonder why (UNDER APPEAL!)? The Rape charge was dropped by a jury! Or Arthur Engoron, the N.Y. State Wacko Judge who fined me almost 500 Million Dollars (UNDER APPEAL) for DOING NOTHING WRONG, used a Statute that has never been used before, gave me NO JURY, Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 - Now for Merchan!
Trump does not care about active soldiers, ex-soldiers, wounded soldiers, or dead soldiers. They are all suckers to him.
Trump does not care about active soldiers, ex-soldiers, wounded soldiers, or dead soldiers. They are all suckers to him.
Unfortunately, true. He's a scumbag and only scumbags follow scumbags...or the mentally ill, poorly educated and the terminally stupid. Sad.
Wasn't Trump who is ignorant of Memorial Day. And active duty personel LOVE HIM.
Two lies. Sad.

Anyone who has taken the oath and honors it wouldn't love a scumbag oath-breaking pedophile like Donald J. Trump.

Two lies. Sad.

Anyone who has taken the oath and honors it wouldn't love a scumbag oath-breaking pedophile like Donald J. Trump.

I see your still trying to spread the Trum0p Russia lies, when it has always been the Sleazocrats on Putin's dick, and Gorbachev before him,.

Took Crimea and Obama/Biden grabbed their ankles.

It was Trump who armed Ukraine after Obama disarmed them, remember?

And when they dared to fuck with us under Trump:

The REALITY of how Trump dealt with Putin:

President Trump’s Pick for Secretary of State Just Confirmed ‘Hundreds’ of Russians Were Killed in a U.S. Attack in Syria​

Learn reality.
I see your still trying to spread the Trum0p Russia lies, when it has always been the Sleazocrats on Putin's dick, and Gorbachev before him,.
The collusion thing? There's no evidence* Trump colluded with Putin in the 2016 election but there was evidence Russia interfered in that election, this election and several other elections. Now they are splitting the Democratic Party through pro-Hamas/antisemitic social media. Do you disagree?

Trump is most certainly sucking Putin's dick...figuratively, of course. Their meeting in Helsinki when Trump threw all 17 American intelligence agencies under the bus to give a public blowjob to Putin was clear evidence this is true.


*Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.