Mortgaging Our Childrens Future


New member
Gee, I haven't heard that broken record on the Networks since, well...let's see.....uhhh.....January of 2009 !

"Since the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) last issued its baseline projections, in January 2009, the outlook for the budget deficit has deteriorated further.1 Enactment of stimulus legislation and omnibus appropriations, a worsening of the economic outlook, and other factors have increased CBO’s projections of the deficit by more than $400 billion in both 2009 and 2010 and by smaller amounts thereafter. As a result, if current policies remain the same, CBO now anticipates that the deficit will total almost $1.7 trillion (11.9 percent of gross domestic product, or GDP) this year and $1.1 trillion (7.9 percent of GDP) next year, the largest deficits as a share of GDP since 1945 (see Table 1-1).

CBO has also analyzed the policy proposals outlined in the President’s preliminary budget request.2 Under those policies, the deficit would total $1.8 trillion (13.1 percent of GDP) in 2009 and $1.4 trillion (9.6 percent of GDP) in 2010. The cumulative deficit over the 2010–2019 pro*jection period would equal $9.3 trillion and would aver*age 5.3 percent of GDP. Debt held by the public would rise from 57 percent of GDP in 2009 to 82 percent of GDP in 2019."

So uhhh....where's our "watchdog" Media now ?
Ok Damo but for 4 years the Republicans controlled everything.
Correct now?

And how could the wild spending dems get laws passed with them controlling at least the house during the other 2 years?
And Bush did have a virtually unused veto pen.

Don't apologize for the spendtrhtift Republicans if you are really a conservative.
Ok Damo but for 4 years the Republicans controlled everything.
Correct now?

And how could the wild spending dems get laws passed with them controlling at least the house during the other 2 years?
And Bush did have a virtually unused veto pen.

Don't apologize for the spendtrhtift Republicans if you are really a conservative.
Not everything. There is some argument that they "control" the SCOTUS, but it is clear they do not considering the reality of Roe v. Wade and other decisions that will not be overturned or changed because they don't "control" that segment of the government.

For four years they held two branches of government and followed a liberal idiot into a spending frenzy.
Yes he did. And that justifies 1/20/09-7/4/09 how?

That does not justify the current spending, the recession does.

Trying to do tax cuts while running a war and deregging the finiancial sector turned out to be bad ideas.
That does not justify the current spending, the recession does.

Trying to do tax cuts while running a war and deregging the finiancial sector turned out to be bad ideas.

Skip the tax cuts, how does the spending make sense?
Skip the tax cuts, how does the spending make sense?

Ohh I don't know just check history and how we recovered from the depression.

Now I do not agree with the bank bailout portion.
imho that should have gone to citizens as debt repayment vouchers. Would have covered the bad loans and helped the people directly. Trickle up economics :clink:
Ohh I don't know just check history and how we recovered from the depression.

Now I do not agree with the bank bailout portion.
imho that should have gone to citizens as debt repayment vouchers. Would have covered the bad loans and helped the people directly. Trickle up economics :clink:

With the massive spending begun under Bush, continued under Obama, one would predict we'd be in better shape. We're not. Massive failure, though DC response has not been change, but more of same.
Yeah, we did mortage our childrens future. Conservatives made a massive transfer of wealth in this country from our children to the rich. They are sick puppies.

What we are doing now is common sense and is right.
Yes he did. And that justifies 1/20/09-7/4/09 how?

Economic common sense. You guys went into debt so you could give the money to the rich. We're only going into debt to restore our economy - so that we don't go EVEN FURTHER into debt in the future. Huge difference.
Economic common sense. You guys went into debt so you could give the money to the rich. We're only going into debt to restore our economy - so that we don't go EVEN FURTHER into debt in the future. Huge difference.

How? Cite the policies that were passed. Thanks.

How much of that money went to the average people? But it was only 700-800 billion I suppose.

Barney Frank wants to take any profit the government would have made off TARP and immediately spend it on low income housing and mortgage subsidies. Forget about the TARP legislation that says it shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. Good ole Barney baby strikes again.
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Why were none of you righties complaining of this during the Bush spendfest?
For some reason it only became an issue to your types when a dem took office.