Mosab Yousef: Truth Behind Hamas


Professional Pontificator
Dr. Phil, Mosab Yousef: Truth Behind Hamas; Unmasking Their Violent Intentions | Dr. Phil Primetime

In a groundbreaking episode of Dr. Phil Primetime, Dr. Phil McGraw sits down with Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a notorious Hamas leader, to reveal the hidden truths behind one of the world's most notorious terrorist organizations. With exclusive access and unprecedented insight, this interview delves into the heart of Hamas' violent intentions and the personal journey of one man caught in its web.

A look inside of Palestine.

In a groundbreaking episode of Dr. Phil Primetime, Dr. Phil McGraw sits down with Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a notorious Hamas leader, to reveal the hidden truths behind one of the world's most notorious terrorist organizations.
I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to point you in the right direction, because at the moment, your post is nothing more than tired regurgitation of popular disinformation, full of all the standard errors. Do some independent research and verify what I'm explaining to you here:

1. On the Palestinian/Gazan side, Hamas is not the bad guy and is not a terrorist organization. Really. The militant, terrorist organization in question is the Al Qassam brigades. You have never heard of them, have you? That's OK. Few have, so everyone just says "Hamas" because the intellectually lazy and the totally dishonest are more than happy to illegitimately extrapolate and to engage in collective punishment and guilt by association. Remember, only those who commit crimes are guilty of committing crimes. You don't get to dispense death sentences to children on account of crimes committed by someone else.

2. On October 7th, Iran attacked Israel, not "Hamas", not "Arabs," not anybody but the individual members of the Al Qassam brigades that Iran paid and instructed to attack Israel on their behalf.

3. Iran has been responsible for all attacks on Israel for more than the last 40 years, with the sole exception of Saddam Hussein's SCUD missil attacks, intended to rally the Muslim world against the US.

Iran, in partnership with Qatar, funds, authorizes and coordinates attacks on Israel through the Al Qassam brigades, to whom they funnel $100 million annually, to do the Ayatollah's bidding, not anyone else's.
Iran, in partnership with Syria, funds, authorizes and corrdinates attacks on Israel through Hezbollah, to whom they funnel $700 million annually, to do the Ayatollah's bidding, not anyone else's.
Iran, in partnership with Islamic Jihad, to whom they funnel $30 million annually, authorizes and corrdinates attacks on Israel, to do the Ayatollah's bidding, not anyone else's.

Once again, Iran is responsible for all attacks on Israel. Hamas was not involved on 7 October. In fact, they never had any knowledge of the attack until after it happened. Iran didn't want any Israeli operatives finding out about the attack and possibly thwart it, so only the Al Qassam brigades knew and kept it a well guarded secret.

4. Israel is well aware of all of the above.

5. Israel does not care about the Oct 7th attack except for the pretense that it offers. Israel's top priority is perpetrating the 2nd Nakba, and Iran's attack on 7 October is just the pretense Israel sought. They could storm Gaza, begin their genocide of the HATED Arab Semites, and just tell the world that they are "going to war against Hamas" and expect to be fully supported no matter what kind of atrocities and war crimes they commit. Just look at the Christians of the world and realize just how right the Israelis were. Essentially you have been manipulated into cheering on a genocide.

6. According to the Geneva Conventions, to which Israel is a signatory, the moment the IDF invaded Gaza, they assumed the responsibility to protect each and every civilian noncombatant. Instead, the IDF began slaughtering the civilian noncombatants with extremely illegal air strikes to public population centers, in direct violation of the Convention against Genocide. In direct violation of the 4th Geneva Convention, the IDF blockaded food, water, medical services and fuel to all the civilians to whom they were to ensure had plenty of food, water, medical supplies and functional services. The IDF is guilty of thousands of counts of war crimes, ranging from totally unacceptable to totally heinous.

I can tell that you haven't performed any independent research on the matter and that you are simply going by what you have been told. Now that you know the true big picture, you can start conducting research in the right direction.
I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to point you in the right direction, because at the moment, your post is nothing more than tired regurgitation of popular disinformation, full of all the standard errors. Do some independent research and verify what I'm explaining to you here:

Why thank you for the information. I'm sure everything you said is without bias or error.
Why thank you for the information. I'm sure everything you said is without bias or error.
You can take it to the bank. Of course, you might not necessarily be sure right now, but when you perform your due dilligence, noting that I provided you all the information needed to independently verify everything I wrote, you will be sure to your satisfaction. Start with the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. Check the entire history of attacks on Israel. Read up on the Al Qassam brigades. Enjoy!

And you are correct, i.e. without bias or error.
You can take it to the bank. Of course, you might not necessarily be sure right now, but when you perform your due dilligence, noting that I provided you all the information needed to independently verify everything I wrote, you will be sure to your satisfaction. Start with the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. Check the entire history of attacks on Israel. Read up on the Al Qassam brigades. Enjoy!

And you are correct, i.e. without bias or error.

I hope you realize that I was being sarcastic.

Iran's current administration definitely needs to be taken out. We've been saying that for years. Nobody does anything and Obama and Biden have been strengthening Iran.
I hope you realize that I was being sarcastic.
I totally read your snark, which you have only because you have not verified what I wrote ... which you are loathe to do because you have already committed yourself to cheering on a genocide, and now that I am shedding light on the situation that shows that you were gullible and are now advocating an indefensible position, you simply find it much easier to be dishonest and to regurgitate the same disinformation you have been manipulated into believing ... than to be forthright, to reexamine the situation in its totality, to simply perform the necessary independent research and to adjust your position to one that is moral.

What you have told me is that you are on Team Israel, and that you feel compelled to forgive the IDF preemptively of any and all atrocities, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide for which you would be up in arms were it perpetrated by any other country. I pointed you to specific governing documents merely for you to research on your own, and your knee-jerk response was to hurl a sarcastic accusation of bias, as an excuse to get out of doing any work and to get out of the obligation of adhering to any sort of morality.

Bottom Line: You currently support the slaughter of unarmed civilian lawful noncombatants by the thousands, simply on the basis of their being Arab Semites and not in the pursuit of any retribution for Iran's attack on Israel, which places Israel's slaughter of Gazans (who never attacked Israel) firmly into the definition of genocide. I think we can agree that this make you an immoral shit. But let's reexamine to make sure I'm not exaggerating ...

You don't want justice to be served on only the people who executed the attack on Israel, i.e. the 100+ specific members of the Al Qassam brigades, or the higher level planners/authorizers ultimately responsible, i.e. the Ayatollah and his cabal in Iran. You want the Arabs of Gaza who never attacked Israel and who never even knew anything about the attack, to be wasted and all Arab property in Gaza destroyed, because Israel is full of RACIST shits who HATE Arab Semites ... and you believe that Israel has carte blanche to slaugher whomever the fuck they wish, right? If Israel wants to kill Arab children by the thousands then who are you to question Israel, right? Right?

Research this in the Geneva Conventions, of which Israel is a signatory. The moment the IDF invaded Gaza, they accepted the full responsibility to protect all civilian noncombatants. Upon entering Gaza, however, the IDF began slaughtering Gazans at will, with reckless abandon. Today, there are over 30,000 dead lawful noncombatant Gazans (per the US Defense Secretary), roughly 18,000 of whom are children, who were alive and well at the beginning of October, who never attacked Israel. Meanwhile, no Iranian has even been bothered.

The moment the IDF invaded Gaza, they accepted the full responsibility to protect Gazan property. Upon entering Gaza, however, the IDF began launching airstrikes into populated buildings, killing the occupants ... apartment buildings, hospitals, shopping centers, schools, ... all the while claiming that there were Hamas leaders in those structures ... knowing that few would call boooolsch't. It wasn't Hamas that attacked Israel and air strikes on civilian population centers are strictly prohibited everywhere.

You won't verify any of this, will you? You'll simply find it much easier to accuse me of bias and to bury your head in the sand.

At least we understand each other, i.e. I want accountability for Israel's genocide and you want to preemptively pardon Israel's genocide. I get it.
I totally read your snark, which you have only because you have not verified what I wrote ... which you are loathe to do because you have already committed yourself to cheering on a genocide, and now that I am shedding light on the situation that shows that you were gullible and are now advocating an indefensible position, you simply find it much easier to be dishonest and to regurgitate the same disinformation you have been manipulated into believing ... than to be forthright, to reexamine the situation in its totality, to simply perform the necessary independent research and to adjust your position to one that is moral.

So tell me. What is the solution to this problem? Take out Iran? This has been talked about for decades now. The US wanted Israel to do the dirty work with Iran but it never materialized.
Under Obama and now his third term through the puppet Biden, the US policy has been to strengthen Iran releasing billions of dollars that were frozen and lifting sanctions.
And taking out Iran will not result in the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians?
So tell me. What is the solution to this problem?
First, define the problem. Do you think that the problem is "The fucking Arabs"? If so, then you should continue supporting their eradication. I have no idea what you consider "the problem" to be.

Personally, I consider the problem to be Israel's preemptive genocide on Arabs that never attacked Israel. I used to think Iran's constant attacks on Israel were the problem, through Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Al Qassam, but then I learned that Israel never responds to those attacks because the attacks are so much more valuable to Israel in helping maintain Israel's perceived "permanent victim" status.

Israel has only ever had one objective: eradicate the Philistines, the historic enemy, once and for all. Yes, "genocide" is a rather harsh term, so Israel refrains from using it. Now, you, I and the world can open up the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide (that you will never read) and find therein, as plain as day, the intention to prevent the very atrocities and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by the IDF.

To what "problem" are you referring?

Take out Iran?
Only if you wish to address the attacks on Israel. If you do not wish to address the attacks on Israel then keep Iran out of the discussion.

This has been talked about for decades now.
It all comes down to Israel's refusal to address the attacks and put their permament "victim" status in jeopardy. The moment you put that at risk, the Israelis terminate the conversation.

The US wanted Israel to do the dirty work with Iran but it never materialized.
The US has fucked with Iran just fine without anyone's help.

Under Obama and now his third term through the puppet Biden, the US policy has been to strengthen Iran releasing billions of dollars that were frozen and lifting sanctions.
Your keen observation is that the US doesn't need to fuck with Iran, at least not at the moment.

Now let's get back to Israel. If Israel had, at any point, wanted to exact retribution for Iran's attacks and to get them to stop, then Israel would have invaded Iran, with the US' full support, which would have guaranteed success. Why has Israel never done this? Not once in the 70s, 80s, 90s, or any decade thereafter has Israel even entertained the thought of ditching their permanent "victim" status. Iran's pesky attacks are well worth the political grand prize.

Now look ... Israel reenacts Nazi Germany's Holocaust to Team Israel's thunderous applause. "The fucking Arab Semites so totally DESERVE IT for being Arab Semites!" Israel's permanent "victim" status gives them license to act on violently RACIST impulses while their fans continue to consider Israel to be the "victims." 18,000 children dead, who were alive and well at the beginning of October, who never attacked Israel, who will never get to plague the world with another generation of fucking Arab Semites. This is where you jump out of your seat in excited celebration of victory.

If you have a problem with the numbers, take it up with the Defense Department and the State Department.

And taking out Iran will not result in the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians?
Is the jist of your question whether I would prefer many dead Persians over many dead fucking Arab Semites?
IBDaMann;5961299 Is the jist of your question whether I would prefer many dead Persians over many dead fucking Arab Semites?[/QUOTE said:
I'd prefer no dead people. But Israel has a right to defend itself. You are obviously biased to one side and claim that I am biased to the other side.
There is a long history of the Arabs wanting to drive the Jews out of their homeland and NOT wanting peace with Israel. Several wars were already fought.
The Jews have returned to their homeland and will stay there one way or another.
. I'd prefer no dead people.
You can't expect anyone to believe that you'd cheer equally if Israel weren't exterminating Arabs who never attacked Israel. You seem bloodthirsty.

How many Arab Semite children do you hope bite it? Just round to the nearest thousand. We're already around 18,000 so how many more before you're satisfied?

Wow, 18,000 children dead, who were alive and well at the beginning of October. What's the appropriate way to celebrate this?

But Israel has a right to defend itself.
Sure. So did Nazi Germany. You can't justify Holocaust 2.0 without justifying Holocaust 1.0

. You are obviously biased to one side
The only bias I have is to the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. You oppose them, don't you? They get in the way of your cheering.

There is a long history of the Arabs wanting to drive the Jews out of their homeland and NOT wanting peace with Israel.
Nothing that anyone wants, or does not want, merits a death sentence.

. Several wars were already fought.
The IDF has never invaded Iran. Iran is responsible for all the attacks on Israel. Nonetheless you obsess over Arabs and your HATRED for them.

.The Jews have returned to their homeland and will stay there one way or another.
The Israelis will not stop trying to eradicate Arabs. I can't recall Arabs ever eradicating Israelis.

Are you aware that Israelis simply bulldoze the homes of Arabs they don't like, and callously throw entire families into the street? No Israeli home, as far as I am aware, has ever been bulldozed by Arabs.

Tell me again. why do Israelis have every right to slaughter Arab children by the thousands? Remind me, why do you cheer it on?