Most Important American Leaders


Over the next few Years .. who do you think will be the movers and shakers ...? Who is going to put their best foot forward and become amongst the loudest voices in shaping our future?

Anyone in particular you have in mind? Is their anyone out there saying things that are seperating them from the rest of the pack?

It seems to me we are in a crucial period in history and we are lacking the leadership that will shake things up and move us in a new direction ...
Unless of course you like the present direction we are going in ...and are satisfied with the way things are being shaken up in the Middle East ..whew!

*We have a serious problem with the ongoing cluster fuck in Iraq ...

*We have a serious energy problem and we are not moving fast enough in the development of Alternative Energies along with viable infrastuctures that will support them, I believe this area is of National Security and the Government must step in and fast track the development and infrastructure needed to make this change happen, the technologies exist no matter what the nay sayers say ...
*We have a hidden Inflation problem ...
*We have a housing problem ...home values outweigh the incomes needed to support them ...

So who is out there talking the loudest and presenting alternatives to the way we are currently doing things? Who are the Superstars challanging the existing authority?
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Hmmm, I think Al Gore will hear his fellow shitbricks calling and once again run for office! With the current state of global warming, he will win the hearts and minds of his fellow shitbricks, and make a career out of it. Unfortunately his career gets cut short his first year in office due to a massive terrorist attack... :cof1:
Hmmm, I think Al Gore will hear his fellow shitbricks calling and once again run for office! With the current state of global warming, he will win the hearts and minds of his fellow shitbricks, and make a career out of it. Unfortunately his career gets cut short his first year in office due to a massive terrorist attack... :cof1:

And what about the Pubs ... who is the lucky one that is going to reach the hearts and minds of the Iraqi People? :orang:
Hmmm, I think Al Gore will hear his fellow shitbricks calling and once again run for office! With the current state of global warming, he will win the hearts and minds of his fellow shitbricks, and make a career out of it. Unfortunately his career gets cut short his first year in office due to a massive terrorist attack... :cof1:
How quaint. Can you belch the entire alphabet too?

Gore's not going to run. He has no reason to. He will remain an "elder statesman" force in the Dim party, and he will not run.
And what about the Pubs ... who is the lucky one that is going to reach the hearts and minds of the Iraqi People? :orang:

I'd like to see Gingrich or Guiliani, but my guess they will not make it through the primaries. With that said, all I can hope for is a third party or some stellar, but well hidden GOP or DNC candidate, that has yet to surface.