Most Popular Video on Arab Social Networks: Jerusalem Day Multitudes at the Kotel

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
According to the Abu Ali Express Telegram channel, the most popular video on Arab social networks Wednesday night was the live feed from the Kotel, showing the huge assembly of mostly national religious Jews in the Kotel Plaza:

Dr. Abdallah Marouf posted a lengthy analysis of the purpose of “Quds Day,” above a video of young Jews prostrating themselves on the stones of the Temple Mount, just as our forefathers did. Marouf concluded: The main reason for all of this is that they know that the title of their victory and defeat in this war is #Qudsand the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque after Gaza buried the noses of their soldiers in the dirt and they lost hope in any form of victory there. :laugh: 🇮🇱
