MP Pierre Poilievre Claims That He And Trudeau Merely Disagree Reveals Pierre Support

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
MP Pierre Poilievre Claims That He And Trudeau Merely Disagree Reveals Pierre Supports The WEF Agenda

New Brunswick created legislation to protect all children up to the age of 16 (when really such legislation needs to criminalize lgbt in Canada period for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of everyone and sick people with gender dysphoria need to learn to accept themselves for what they themselves are for their protection as well as everyone else's protection) in schools from factually proven foundations of radical lgbt lies being forced upon them.

Pierre claims that he and Trudeau just disagree all the while Pierre ignores the fact that they (the liberal NDP coalition / Trudeau) are factually lying for the sick and filthy WEF's lgbt hate group and trying to force their sick and filthy lgbt lies upon everyone else including innocent little children in school in the first place thus is skirting around the problem while trying to make it out to be a mere argument = weak and pathetically attempting to fool Canadians while even at best inadvertently supporting the WEF agenda.

Wake up Pierre and show some guts. How can you be against the WEF when you so eagerly support them?! There is no argument when it comes to fact Pierre, there is either recognition of fact or ignorance towards fact and the fact remains that there is no such thing as a sex change among humans. A surgically mutilated penis stuffed into a cut next to a mans anus is not a vagina. It's a cut with a penis stuffed inside that continuously attempts to heal thus scabs over. How sick, filthy, deceptive and disgusting for any man to even attempt and even sicker individuals with an extremely sick agenda encouraging them to do such!

I am Canadian and I am no dummy Pierre, how patronizing it is also patronizing that Pierre seems to imply that everyone in this country is religiously retarded aka mentions only muslims, jews and christians being concerned with such disgusting filth!

Liars are calling their lies ideology in attempt to keep getting away with lying is so transparent. These pathetic liars even call trans right human right when it's lie because how is it a human right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are because they do not even want to accept themselves for what they themselves factually are in the first place. All they are is an easily baited WEF sock puppet hate group used to divide and conquer while also attempting to make criminals out of decent people who refuse to lie for these sick individuals.

The LGBT needs to be criminalized permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life not only here in Canada but around the world as well thus destroying the WEF and their sick little game plan of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start attempting to force their lies upon everyone else of which lies lead to war and divide which is quite obviously why they support such disgusting filth in the first place. All of the countries that face the precise same rubbish in recent years simultaneously around the world is proof of the WEF conspiring with officials of various countries on international levels to divide and conquer those countries in modern day.

It's my pleasure to stand strong and set example for everyone including our officials around the world. Get it together people otherwise you are just helping the WEF to divide and conquer us. Quit being so weak and pathetic you poor little babies. Grow up and stand strong for the first time in a decade or so! (since around when the main stream media was beginning to be used to threaten officials with being slandered homophobe for not falling in line with their sick WEF and LGBT hate group agenda)

Once upon a time, the Liberals were liberal. They believed in live and let live. What happened?

Thanks for sharing the video MP Lianne Rood and I know that there is another copy fyi.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!