MP's Voted To Steal From & Kill Canadians, Why Should We Let MP's Keep Their Wealth & Freedom?

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
MP's Voted To Steal From & Kill Canadians, Why Should We Let MP's Keep Their Wealth & Freedom?

As I mentioned a decade or so ago, if tax payers got the final vote instead of the Senate on bills passing, we would have a genuine democracy and I can say all of these years later we wouldn't be in this insane mess that this insane so called government has imposed upon us.

Liberal Or NDP Party Members Claiming To Have A Problem With Trudeau Is More Smoke And Mirrors

Remember they all have been supporting Justin Trudeau's sick and filthy agenda. No matter what they say or do, only a complete imbecile would ever vote for these parties / party members ever again and should probably seek rehab in mental institutions that do not comply with the sick and filthy tool of forced oppression known as the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16.

It would be nice to see a main stream media again that does not reiterate leftist lie and deception insanity / propaganda while deceitfully carrying on like doing such is news. Like Trudeau expects these media outlets to misinform the public for him then acts puzzled as to why people don't take to such rubbish like he seems to think we're suppose to be a bunch of gullible dummies who think that being divided and conquered with lies and deceptions i s for our own good as we get robbed of our wealth and future due to these compulsive obsessive lying deceiving Federal thieves.

What kind of imbecile would think that a feminist is someone who advocates men using women's washrooms? Men stealing women's titles in sports? Placing men in female prisons? Justin Trudeau is obviously that kind of pathetic imbecile as are all of those MP's that support such rubbish.

It has become clear Trudeau couldn't give a rats behind about the condition he leaves the Liberal party in as his actions only prove that he is all about regressing Canadians as much as he possibly can while deliberately replacing us with illegal and other immigrants and while he continues to rob Canadians he continues to assist the WEF with dividing and conquering Canada with a slew of lies and deceptions. As for the members of the liberal and NDP parties, no matter what they try and tell you, they all keep getting get his vote for years now to screw us all over never forget.

Oh you and your family have become homeless and / or starving, remember that the next to time you see the lgbt knowing that Trudeau has given them into the billions for security etc. so they can parade around factually proven foundations of lies and deception while waving their genitals publicly in the face of young children and get away with such sick behavior because the Liberals and NDP vote to make you I homeless and / or starve so this sick and radical group of woke and extremely abnormal freaks can get into the billions for security at you and your families expense. This is a clear version of what hatred against Canadian citizens looks like and they have the nerve to try and pass you off as a hater for being against such sick inexcusable behavior!

Oh let's not forget that the lgbt are human too, just like, murderers, rapists, child molesters along with any other compulsive obsessive lying and deceiving scum bag on the planet such as those within the Canadian Liberal and NDP parties, the WEF members along with the USA democrat party of which just because they are human doesn't mean that they deserve to be a respected part of society. Speaking of Canadian Liberals, NDP, WEF Members and USA Democrats they love to force such disgusting repulsive filth as the lgbt upon society because they love to divide and conquer with factually exposed foundations of lies and deceptions while trying to make a blame game out of everything they do by attempting to blame anyone else for the damage they obviously cause while they also attempt to try and label anyone opposing their bs as what they themselves prove to be again to try and make a blame game out of everything in attempt to escape being genuinely held accountable by even attempting to pass legislation to make criminals out of those who easily expose their lies and deceptions. Who else is sick of these imbeciles labelling you a hater for not going along with their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions when it comes to the foundation of their almost every single issue for years now?

I think Canadians should have the right to vote on if MP's deserve a pension or life in prison for supporting tyranny and conspiring with the WEF against Canadians. I also think that Canadians should also get to vote on whether or not tyrannically supporting MP's deserve to keep their wealth and assets after they obviously voted to steal Canadians wealth and future from a majority of Canadian citizens. I think Canadians deserve to vote on banning the lgbt from Canada permanently while criminalizing their sick behavior, remove legislation to do with lgbt and remove policies supporting such disgusting lgbt filth along with voting on making that organization and it's supporters pay back however many billions of tax dollars wasted on their disgusting filth! I also think Canadians deserve to vote on whether or not First nations should pay back every cent awarded to them since Trudeau infiltrated the PM chair as well whether or not they should be evicted from tax free reserves because after all the way it is now is discriminating every other Canadian who does not get to live for free and whine and complain that everyone else should have to fund them! I also think that Canadians should get to vote on whether or not those on reserves and don't pay taxes should get governing services or get to vote, or get to run for office when they apparently do not owe anything on Canadian debt because that clearly discriminates against everyone other Canadians equality by such bigots. I think Canadians should have a vote on whether or not Canada should take the climate crisis hoax seriously especially when not one person on the planet can prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree because it is a hoax. I think Canadians should get to vote on whether or not that not catering to factually proven foundations of leftist lies and deceptions is hatred. I think Canadians should get to vote on illegal immigrants claiming refugee status getting any tax payer funding let alone they get over two hundred bucks per day under the guise of Trudeau is doing such things for Canadians. I think Canadians should get to vote on what is out biggest threat to democracy because I think if we did it would be a landslide that it is Justin Trudeau and his pathetic coalition who turn backs on citizens, turn backs on democracy and cater to the dictatorship of the WEF. I think citizens should have a vote on whether or not killing Canadians and placing children in danger by using tax dollars to fund free extremely harmful and addictive drugs is safe supply. I think Canadians should have a vote on whether or not to allow illegal invaders to stay in Canada. Sure we could throw many things on this voting list and I'll likely think to add more in the future.

I highly suspect that if these were the days back when there were lynch mobs, we wouldn't have a WEF, an lgbt, a Canadian Liberal or NDP party, a USA democrat party, we'd instead have a strong and unified North America with thriving economies and affordable places to live for all citizens along with secure borders for the most part and marriage wouldn't have been made a mockery of along with what a man is or what a woman is wouldn't have been made a mockery of. It would be society minus insanity running amok. Speaking of lynch mobs, what is the one thing different between Frankenstein and Justin Trudeau? Frankenstein was only ugly on the outside.

If we had criminalized promoting factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions like I shared decades ago we wouldn't have this escalation of leftist / WEF insanity with their policies to try and ban and make criminals out of everyone exposing their sick and filthy lies and deceptions as they use such lies and deceptions to divide and conquer. All they do is ignore fact, make up lies, call their lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else while making policies etc. to try and make criminals out of those exposing their lies and deceptions while using that the religious have gotten away the same behavior for thousands of years to keep doing it. If we made mandatory education of governing ways a part of our educational system like I shared decades ago, they wouldn't have had the chance to force factually proven lies and deceptions through legislation and upon our children as mandatory to have to be forced to be indoctrinated with lies and deceptions like lgbt sick and filthy trash or critical race garbage for example.

Anyway, here is that video I mentioned
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This is my last submission on this board of these forums. Done with bias moderation.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!