MSNBC Is Playing Rope-A-Dope


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MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan has called on liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from the bench after he spoke out forcefully against court-packing earlier this week.

In the piece, published Thursday and starkly headlined "Justice Stephen Breyer Should Retire from the Supreme Court," Hasan accused Breyer of intentionally overlooking the "partisanship" of his conservative colleagues, and dismissed his position as "naive, misguided and self-serving."

Published 11 hours ago
MSNBC host calls on liberal Supreme Court Justice Breyer to retire after his warning against 'court-packing'
By Yael Halon

Democrats want to pick Breyer’s replacement before Republicans regain a Senate majority.

In Breyer’s case the dope will turn out to be MSNBC. Only a dope would stand in the way of Republicans confirming their justices.

Republicans confirming the best Democrat judges began with President Eisenhower and continued all way up to President Trump. Dopey Joe Biden cannot do more for Democrats than did Bullshit Artist Donald Trump.

NOTE: True Conservative Americans should be thankful that a few Republican justices did not rollover for the Parasite Class one second after they were confirmed.



was the loudest outcry on record for impeaching a justice. Conservative Americans were right at the time. Tragically, the High Court turned hard left after Warren retired in 1969.

To me throughout the Impeach Earl Warren hullabaloo, dumping a justice was the same thing as removing a president. It makes no sense when the country always gets more of the same. If you doubt me, catalogue every president’s ‘contribution’ since LBJ and you will see that every president had a hand in shoring up the welfare state to one degree or another. Throughout those same years the Parasite Class grew in leaps and bounds while the U. S. Supreme Court legislated the country’s downfall.

My point: Breyer’s replacement will be a clone regardless of which political party does the dirty work.

Finally, the country will better off leaving Senile Joe Biden in office after he becomes a vegetable. In short: A vegetable president is better than poison ivy like Kamala Harris.
Sidney then took a swipe at Joe Biden in her own colorful way.

Sidney Powell: “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party. A vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state. And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”

“A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 10, 2021 at 8:49pm

Thank you Sidney, but I stand pat:

Finally, the country will better off leaving Senile Joe Biden in office after he becomes a vegetable. In short: A vegetable president is better than poison ivy like Kamala Harris.
House Republicans hilariously mock AWOL Kamala Harris using just a milk carton
By Joe Saunders
The Western Journal
Published April 14, 2021 at 4:48pm

In short: A vegetable president is better than poison ivy like Kamala Harris.

Good one:
First ask Frankenstein to return Biden’s missing brain:
Biden controls the military. Use it.

Accept nine resignations, whether they were offered or not.
Appoint his own nine justices without requesting Senate confirmation.
Sign all required bills into law whether they were actually submitted to his desk or not.
Give MSNBC the cable news monopoly.

Republicans have totally destroyed this nation.
If we insist on retaining it rather than partitioning, the Republican insurrection must quickly be crushed with that end justifying any means necessary.