Much fear and trembling coming from the political leaders of the left of late......


Well-known member
They can sense something is afoot. For so long they have never had to worry about being put under the microscope and held to account for their corruption. Over time they developed a Hubris so great that they believed that they could literally do ANYTHING they wanted to without ever having to face the justice that they themselves knew they should be facing as they know full well the crimes they have committed. And who could blame them? They have never been held to account by anyone of importance,...they WERE IN FACT allowed to operate at their leisure without ever being confronted by the truth. Until NOW that is. And they KNOW IT too. Their own Hubris has led them down this path,....this is why they are so shocked and unprepared by what is coming after a lifetime of free passes.

This is why so many of them are acting so strangely,....they are AFRAID. VERY afraid. And they should be. More and more every day the truth is slowly trickling out,........after November a trickle will turn into the absolute Tsunami that buries them! They have created their own Alamo,......there will be nowhere to run to. Almost time to face the music........ :unsure:
Like the reaction of a spoiled child that has never been told no that has FINALLY been told no. Have your popcorn ready,.....this is going to be one hell of a show!

Stone is so insipidly boring. Where's the substance in anything he posts? Is there any time he's not posturing or shitposting? Need coffee now.
Yeah ok. My advice to you is to invest in a good pair of work boots. In the future you will surely need them. :)
Stone is so insipidly boring.
Yet you consume my posts daily. You MUST be quite bored,... then again who wouldnt be if their life revolved around sitting on a recliner all day and rarely leaving the house. We will be bringing much needed hope and help to you soon. Hard work can be one of the things that gives a person a sense of purpose. You have been denied that opportunity for far too long. No need to thank me,.....the pleasure is all mine.
Stone is so insipidly boring. Where's the substance in anything he posts? Is there any time he's not posturing or shitposting? Need coffee now.
He does here what my hallucinating grandmother did in the nursing home, makes an imaginary playpen for himself.